113: Miserable Pile of Mushrooms!

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Delta tried not to groan as Jack reported back with the hulking demon backing him up. It wasn't like Jack had exactly done something wrong, but Delta would have liked to have been included in the negotiations before the demon, Runilac, had agreed to be a less murdery neighbour. The demon was quite clear that he had no intention of being either a contract or an enemy.

The skeleton in the maid costume was just a strange cherry on top of the weird dessert. Delta was now absolutely sure she had never had a pure-blooded demon in her Dungeon for one reason. Runilac was like a void. Ruli had the vibe of being less to her dungeon senses but louder to her human side. Runilac just acted like dark space where her mana flowed, hitting the space and being forced to part around him. It was unnerving to a degree Delta hadn't felt before. It made Runilac utterly alien to her instincts as he freely and unashamedly admitted he was not native to this world.

"I'm bound by some twits deeper in the fortress. I can't act against them physically, so the best me and Robin here can do is forge and stay out of your way," Runilac explained gruffly as her gargoyles all seemed to be trying to square up and show a display of strength against this stranger. Vanguard being the worst, scowling at the muscled demon as if he were here to sweep Delta off to the pits of hell itself. It was sweet if not a bit funny.

"What about knowledge? What can you tell me about the Silence cult people...group...things," Delta asked which Jack translated for her. Runilac could hear her, but he hadn't had time to adapt to her power and said she sounded far away for the moment.

"I guess... they're human, wield some magic, some had weapons, and they all worshipped some lost god," Runilac said easily. Delta had to admit, it wasn't untrue from what she had seen.

"Anything else?" she tried. Robin the skeleton had been quiet up to now, spoke up.

"Master has given knowledge freely! He deserves your mighty gifts and power freely given for even this tidbit of free trade!" Robin said haughty. Jack winced and Delta blinked at the comment. Before she could answer, Doctor strode forward, his plague doctor mask looking more pointy than normal.

"Ah, I see this is to be a business transaction. Very well, we have nothing to offer and desire nothing of yours, please return to the dead-end hole you resided in and we shall brick you up once more. Our apologies for disturbing you," the gargoyle said with such a succinct tone that Delta had to admit he could make anything sound charming yet rude.

The skeleton's blazing eyes met Doctor's for a long moment.

"Robin, knock it off," Runilac grumbled. The skeleton instantly backed off, bowing its head.

"Of course, my master. I shall flay the skin off my back as punishment for speaking out," it said gravely. Delta stared, mouthing the words over as if trying to understand them.

"Forgive Robin, I made them with care and might have been too gentle in places," the demon said and exhaled.

"May... I have a drink before we talk?" he asked and Delta nodded, her faint form just visible to him.

"Of course! You're a guest so no payment needed and since you've been trapped, you can even have food if ya like!" Delta beamed. Runliac's lips twitched.

"I hope you have a maiden running the bar, being served by the innocent has an added taste!" he said with a glint to his eyes. Delta froze. She thought of Fera. Maiden. Fera... Innocent.

"My bartender has never been with someone, killed someone, or even ripped someone off. Her virtue is unmatched," Delta promised. Runliac perked up. Jack was grinning widely at her.

"I need to see this," he told her quietly.


Delta covered her eyes.

The bar surface creaked, blood vessels popped, and bone threatened to give. The challengers of the children and Kemy all stared in horror at the scene. Fera was sweating and her eyes looked smoky as her body heat rose in the stress. The giant muscle bound form of Runilac was also looking feral and intent on pushing his power deeper and harder, forcing the goblin to bend. Fera's hand budged slightly to the surface as Runilac showed he had superior physical strength in their arm-wrestling bet.

Fera focused and she activated an ability she hadn't used before. By having almost all the goblins in the room, her own power grew immensely, suddenly making the demon buckle in surprise.

There was an almighty crash and the demon was flung across the room as Fera slammed him hard.

"Dungeon home team wins!" Fran cried, toasting his mug of Shroom Pop. Everyone cheered except the humans. Deo did, however.

"Well," Fera began, panting before mopping her frown with the rag she used to wipe the surfaces of the table.

"I want those iron flagons and forks delivered before the week is up!" she grinned in victory.

"Robin... I may be in lust or early stages of a crush, make a note to forge a spiked wooing mace for the goblin," the demon mumbled as he tried to extract his horns from the wall. He finally managed to sit down and Delta eyed the group of Durence kids. She didn't want to discuss Silence trouble around them. Fran seemed to sense her thoughts.

"Champions of the first floor. It is time for the second floor," he announced and Delta blinked, barely seeing a smoky outline of the challengers. They had moved so fast! She didn't even have time to stare at Kemy's staff or comment on it. The girl was so adventurous! Delta was proud of her growing confidence, if not worried about her style.

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