109: Quickies & Squidies

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Delta sat down heavily.

Alpha was in Durance.

Listen, before you start rolling out the red carpet, just remember we don't know anything about him. He's ignoring Sis, so something's up. Don't... just be careful.

Delta sat on the second floor, near the waterfall, just nodding slowly.

"But... what if he's been looking for me or one of us? I made a home here with you and my friends, Alpha... he sounds alone," Delta tried to explain her wild state of mind.

And we have no idea if that's for a good reason or not.

Delta blew out a sigh. Damn it, she just wanted to rush out and talk to the guy. He... he would come to her Dungeon, hopefully. Once he heard her name, Delta knew he wouldn't be able to resist.

Delta certainly couldn't have!

What if he was cooler than her? Oh, what if he knew so much more and Delta looked like a dolt? What if Alpha thought Delta was a letdown?

"I'm going to talk to him, because lonely or not, Alpha is family in a way. We have to communicate because we could risk him running into the Silence unprepared. Maybe he's alone because people keep thinking something's wrong with him!" Delta protested.

A friendly chat is fine. Inviting him to your core room or giving away your secrets upon first meeting him, not so fine.

Nu made sense. He seemed to be grumpy about the whole thing.

"You worried his menu is cooler than you too?" she asked sympathetic. Nu went still.

...I have no issues with my existence. I shall go to the third floor and continue watching for problems and looking into ideas. Plans set in motion are best kept an eye on. Please contact me at your leisure, Dungeon Core.

Nu vanished and Delta was left blinking.

That was blunt even for Nu. Delta hoped Alpha's menu sucked, Nu could really use the confidence boost. Alpha coming here would only do two things: it would make their differences clear, and it would show how much Alpha had progressed in his power compared to Delta.

Nu wouldn't really care for anything else.

Nu blinked back. He looked purple as if red in the face. It was weird for a screen.

I can't do this. I'm not one for drawn out stupid drama. Listen, I have issues with Alpha because I'm...concerned I- the Dungeon will fall to the wayside in your priorities. That you'll force me and everyone to listen to some stranger because he came from the same place as you.

Delta thought about it. If Alpha hung around and near town, they would have lots of reason to talk and hang out if their personalities meshed. Would she start telling her monsters that Alpha had some say in things or to put up with the system not quite working due to the human in her Dungeon?

Delta didn't think so, but she was impulsive and she knew that she tried to please people.

If Alpha needed EXP or treasure, would she spend valuable DP on making something unique for him?

Delta admitted she had no idea.

"Okay, I can see why you're getting worried. How about a deal?" Delta clapped her hands together as the waterfall gushed, sounding like an endless yawn.

"If I want to help Alpha or such, we need to agree on it together, but if we don't, we'll get a voting council on the matter. We need wise and fair monsters to handle it so they don't just agree because I'm me," Delta suggested.

It isn't about res- Okay, I can agree to that.

"Fera" Delta began.

Fera was my pick as well.

"Hm... Devina and Fera are my pick," Delta said. Nu was quiet for a long time.

Doctor and Wyin.

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