6: The Capped Limit

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Boss rooms were amazing.

Delta paced the hallway between her core and Fran's room.

Not only did the new room push hew max mana to 30, it also increased her regen to 2 a day! It hadn't even been a full day since Delta had awoken. It had almost been...

Delta didn't know. There was no time here besides moving Mushys about which took 10 minutes exactly, even if it was only a single meter away. Until her Mana rose up of its own accord, then she had had a decent idea.

Did dungeon cores expire? Did time affect her slower or as long as she was in her dungeon... was she safe? Immortal from age? Delta felt a little cold at the idea of being trapped underground for the rest of time.

At least she wasn't alone.

She had her Mushys, her gobs and Fran.

Everything a sane mind needed to last more than 24 hours.

Speaking off, the goblins had returned. Shooting a dirty look at the single mushroom growing on the ceiling. She would have Hob remove it, she zoomed to the entrance, flying past the snoozing Fran and his new pig, over the Goblin camp where a mushroom burned as it appeared too close to the fire.

It made Delta feel better.

Hob dropped more unspeakables, two branches, and a rock. Gob seemed to have been more adventurous as he brought back... a little of everything.

He dropped some dark berries, small stones and some weedy looking plants. They all began to instantly melt down into Mana. It was a shame, Delta wouldn't mind actually keeping some things once in awhile.

She waited and before long, her menu appeared.

Rence Berries absorbed! Healthy Berry unlocked!
Clingy Petals absorbed! Decorative flower unlocked! Sticky Floor Panel cost reduced by 1 DP!

Delta hummed as she read this. The petals seemed to have some annoying habit of sticking to people's clothes if Gob's furs were to be an indicator. Did absorbing a 'sticky' material reduce the burden of buying something?

Sticky floor trap seemed pretty simple, an enemy stepped on it and got stuck. Delta paced as she thought it out. By taking in more and more things that had a sticky component, she cut her work in half.

Still, only 1 DP was a little lacking in reductions. Delta had a feeling the DP cost was a one time deal... still wouldn't hurt to get a bit more. The berries were like the apple, a food she could make.

Was she suppose to lure people in with them... the idea that food might be in her dungeon? Eyeing her 25 mana, she hesitated and then created another goblin. It formed with a swirl, growling as it formed in the tunnel.

Hob and Gob looked unbothered by it and the goblin also looked rather shocked by sudden existence.

"Keep this tunnel safe and watch out for the Mushys," she added and the goblin lumbered off, going deeper. Delta thought about naming it then shrugged. There was going to be so many of these things eventually that it was going to be impossible to keep up with the demands of names.

Having a goblin between the entrance and the boss room made her dungeon feel a little more professional.

Which left her 15 mana to play with...She curiously made an apple. Just to see what it would do.

The red, glossy, fruit appeared but it seemed translucent as if not made solid yet.

Delta moved it and it reminded her of the trap placement. She had fun clipping it through the wall where it buzzed in error.

Hob moved after not getting more orders and moved directly through her apple placement. Something happened and quickly vanished as he kept moving.

"Wait!" Delta called and the gob froze. She pushed the apple into him and a whole new menu appeared. Delta blinked, caught completely off guard as this new... odder brother of her personal menu hovered before her.

Item placement:
Equip to mob (use 1)Bind as a soul drop (Monster does not respawn)Use on monster(Out of battle, able to use item)

Drop? Equip?!

Delta inhaled and looked at the apple in her ghostly hands.

Could she make monsters loot drop? Er... soul drop? Delta frowned and let the goblin go with his brother to rest at the camp. They looked bushed and Delta felt a bit guilty for making them basically farm for her all day.

She focused back on the apple after making sure both gobs were comfortable after a moment around the fire. Both their grubby faces peering down the hall at Fran's door, respectful.

It took 10 mana to summon a goblin. It took 3 mana to summon an apple. If that goblin had an apple as a soul drop, that was 13 mana down the drain for... what?

Could she booby trap her monsters maybe? Put bombs in them in case they were murdered? Delta didn't think so and opened her menu to start flicking through options. She came to the goblin summoning page and frowned. She held the apple in one hand then touched the goblin page, not hitting confirm but just poking the general area.

A new box opened up.

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