26: Special

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Delta watched with a little fascination as the last of the Slimers fell into the mudpit. It didn't take long for her to notice the small-algae covered monsters weren't exactly... bright. The scraped at the walls and Cois, looking rather tired, blasted it with a fireball that was noticeably smaller than the previous ones.

"Don't push yourself," Delta cautioned and Billy growled as he ran out of arrows. Delta knew they would respawn but not for a while. The dead Slimers were already vanishing into resources and Nu was chiming every few seconds.

I do believe I have enough information on these monsters to complete a report. Your goblins have killed 7 of 13, a respectable count.

Nu sounded pleased, it was understandable. Delta could also feel the niggling of pride for her friends' battle prowess. Hearing the Slimers scream, even after they had long gone silent, had blackened her mood.

Slimers are not dead children. The fairy tale book was wrong in that regard but not in the source of the monsters. The shrivelled corpses are in fact adults but the real monster is the algae. It is controlling the body like a puppet, it sucks the moisture out of fresh corpses and replaces it with algae. My conclusion is that many children may have indeed fallen in the river, only to come back as Slimers, some with still recognisable faces. This inspired the story. If you look at your mud...

Nu's words both relieved and confused Delta but she obeyed and looked at her mud. It took her a moment to see that the mud was losing its sludge element and turning into the thick solid ground.

"They're draining the water!" Delta said in a tight voice.

Indeed, I believe this is how they kill. Draining moisture of their victims and using the husks to increase their number. I believe we were just unlucky to run into a nest. Also, I do think they can breed as well, Two of the corpses were pure algae, not remnants of people were inside.

The maws of black mouths and eyes looked up at her goblins, they were hissing noise, now more like sucking sounded out.

Delta couldn't help but snort as the Slimers were stuck in the solid mud as they drained it of the water.

"Master... I have no more arrows," Billy said regretfully and Delta turned, menu opened.

"Sorry... I can't just upgrade your weapons. Nu, what can I do? Should I just make arrows for him or is there something I should try first?" Delta requested seriously. Nu seemed to think about it.

As for now, if a summoned monster attempts to use another weapon other than what they are summoned with... it will simply switch out with the summoned weapon. I do believe if we have such a room like a weapons shop or a blacksmith, we could increase summoned monster items. For now, I suggest fire.

Delta blinked.

"Cois is all tired out. I'm not sure what you're getting at..." Delta said as a Slimer a leg off to escape the mud, it would still need to climb and it didn't seem great at it.

Slimers burn very well as you may have noticed. We need not think hard, just anything will do. You do have 79 mana as of now... oddly is not decreasing. I will look into that.

Nu seemed to get distracted but Delta had gotten the message, she turned and spread her hands out.

Delta closed her eyes and breathed hard out once. This was needed, she had to do this to survive. Delta wanted to live, she also wanted to be a good person. Dead people couldn't do any more good. If was flimsy logic to hide behind but Delta felt fear make her fingers shake. These Slimers scared her, their sucking noises and empty eyes. What option did she have for this, other than to defend?

"Nu, do we have anything for monster capturing or something, anything we can use to turn these things into something we can use?" she asked quietly. Nu hesitated only for a moment as if seeing Delta's trembling hands.

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