55: Heart of the Jungle

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Are...are you okay?

Delta looked up from the bottom of the pond at Nu's box, hanging just below the water's surface like a moon. She took a long moment to think about the question.

"Nu? I'm a crappy dungeon core?" Delta asked with a hint of a insecurity creeping into her voice. The fish around seemed to crash into each other in shock and there was a flurry of bubbles and splashing.

The Golden Scaled fish in particular almost leapt out of the pond, it's brilliant scales gleaming as water dripped off it.

Most likely. You have no control over what happens around you, you refuse to devour those that invade you on a regular basis, you handicap yourself in every aspect in terms of traps and monster instructions. You spent far too much on things that just will take far too long to bear fruit, you let your monsters do whatever they like, develop what seem like useless talents, personalities, and honestly you miss important details when it comes to your construction that if I didn't edit everything a little, it would be filled with holes or worst, just collapse. So in theory, yes. You are a terrible core.

Delta stared, her mouth hanging open. She felt her dark mood spilling over her rational thoughts.

But who cares? It's far too late to take back what we've done. You are a great innovator, the many things you have tried may not lead to explosive growth but they are interesting enough to pass the time. You are not concerned about being a Dungeon Core. You wish to be a decent person. Everything around you becomes alive. You do things that I would have never thought of and the various results speak for themselves. We would have surely died if we were a mere Dungeon Core. Your kindness may have saved us all from the people of Durence. It does pain me to watch you fumble through everything but I also feel great pride when things do work out despite that. I am Nu, master of perfection, signs, and dealing with your antics. I can at least appreciate you are using me to my full potential. I think many lesser dungeons would have squandered me honestly...

All around the pond, the fish danced happily as they seemed to agree with Nu. Delta looked around, a bright smile breaking out across her face.

"Nu... thank you! I... well, thank you," she said, standing with a sudden burst of energy.

I assume this is because you nearly killed that annoying child?

Delta deflated as the words stabbed into her but Nu merely floated upwards, making Delta follow to read his next words.

Mana Poisoning. I had never considered it a problem since we are so small but the boy was particularly frail in that regard. It is not your fault, you saved his life. The fact you didn't take his bag killed me a little but I am a big mature Navigation Unit, I can deal.

"So what exactly happened there? He just couldn't handle my mana or was mine just that bad?" Delta touched down on the pond room floor with a perplexed expression.

Nothing of the sort. Dungeon mana is rich. It is... a good example is drinking. The boy has had barely lukewarm milk all his life and then came here and drank more than his fair share of solid spirits.

"So Grim couldn't hold his mana..tinis" she smiled weakly at Nu.

That was bad. You should feel bad and then you should go back to your pond for a few days. I feel dirty. Honestly, how hard is for you to say that Grim wasn't a stout man? Or perhaps, the bar was set too high for him? If you are going to continue to torment me with the puns, you might as well make them good!

Delta slapped her thigh as she broke out in wheezing laughter.

I... you heard nothing!

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