Song Hart Williams

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"Do the step-son and real son of successful businessman Cody Williams don't get along? Will this cause the fight for the heir's place keeping in mind that in spite of Warner and Song being born in the same year, the step-son Song who is Lucy Williams's son is still older by 1 month and 2 days." Solomon read the news sitting beside Song who was on the couch.
"Seriously the reporters need to stop putting conflicts in the papers." Solomon scoffed and saw June, Warner and Cody walk in the mansion. Cody's forehead veins were showing also his face was turned red.
Warner gave a plain look to Song who saw June with a bitter expression for Solomon and Song, why does he hate us? Song had that question but never got a specific answer yet.

"June, could you give us a minute?" Cody excused and June unwillingly nodded.
"You can go upstairs." Warner instructed and Cody closed his eyes. Cody's anger was acceptable, June was always with Warner even in times of family issues which for his age he knew was personal.
June walked out and Song saw Lucy come downstairs in her night-suit which was a knee length frock, her brown hairs were in a messy bun as she seemed worried about Cody being raged.
"I will go home, seems like this is a family issue." Solomon mumbled and Song nodded knowing he was right. This was the 1st time he had seen Cody so angry at Warner. Solomon waved at Lucy who smiled worriedly and he left.
Warner was looking at Cody like he does not regret what he did at the conference. Song had felt Cody's anger before not from Cody but that was kind of familiar to what he had felt before.
"Shall I make some dessert? For our plan getting positive comments?" Lucy tried to calm down the tension in the surrounding but that did not work.

"Was that necessary? Making a scene at the conference." Cody asked, his voice was low-pitched but deeper.
"Was that necessary? Divorcing mom for this woman who is willing to be in bed with anyone for money?" Warner raised his eye-brow with the meanest tone and Song got up making a fist, his heart was racing hearing those disgusting words for his mother, but Lucy held his hand tightly.

"Stop trying to stop me mom, he crossed the limit" Song said when he heard a loud slap and turned to see Warner looking at Cody with his hand on his cheek, Cody's eyes were showing his disappointment.
"She is your step-mother if not as a mother, then at least respect her as a woman." Cody yelled and Warner looked at Lucy with hurt and rage in his eyes, Lucy sighed.
"Look at her, she is not a one man's woman type, you are being blind, aren't you?" Warner grumbled I will not hurt him for my mother's sake. I will not raise my hand on him for my mother's sake. Song repeated in his mind.
"Warner, what is wrong with you!" Cody thundered and raised his hand up to slap Warner again but Lucy came in between pushing Cody on the other side.
"Don't fight," Lucy pleaded and Song glared at Warner who was watching Lucy stopping Cody.
"Momma, wow brothers are home too!" The 5-year-old Walter ran towards them, Song smiled at his baby voice and felt the need to protect him once again just like he felt the day he was born in this world.
"Walter, go upstairs honey." Lucy said and he shook his head, his curly soft hairs were well-combed and his cute bear night-suit made him look more tinier than he actually was.
"Lucy, I promised to give you respect." Cody said and Song made a fist wanting Cody to slap Warner again.

"I never promised that." Warner thundered, with anger that was really unexplainable.
"What happened to momma? Daddy? Why is brother Warner is being scary?" 5-year-old Walter asked and Warner looked at him then at Lucy.
"I never promised to respect you, Lucy." Warner said, coldly

"Are you and your son happy after causing this?" He asked and Song felt helpless that he could not help his mother out while she was getting insulted by a person who he had to call his step-brother.

"Talk to me not her." Song snapped his fists were now tighter. He feared that Lucy would again have to face the same trauma she faced when she was with Owen but from her step-son was unacceptable. Lucy shook her head again, that had become her habit now but that was bad Song did not want her to always hear whatever Warner said to hurt her. What made Song more annoyed was Warner knew she would do that always, stopping him from giving back answers to Warner even though in Song's opinion he needed it.
"Happy birthday." Warner said looking at Lucy, his voice was low. Song gasped remembering it was already 12:00 am, it was 19th June today.

Lucy's face was turned pale, her eye-brows were crinkled and Song knew she was holding back her tears, it was not her birthday but Owen Hart's birthday. Song wanted to say a lot but there he was recalling the bad moments of their past, the more he tried to push away more apparent the memories used to get for him and he could tell that it was same for Lucy as well. She was paused, speechless and also stopped Cody from slapping Warner again.

"Warner, stop this!" Cody yelled trying to push away Lucy but he could not do that. Song felt his collar get wet with what he thought was sweat. Song sighed and walked towards Lucy who was quiet.
"Mom, are you okay?" he asked, and knew she was not.
"Go in your room right now!" Cody thundered and Warner ran upstairs, Lucy started crying choking on her tears and Cody sighed patting her back.

"I am sorry." She cried, her voice was wobbly and helpless and Song wanted to hug her but was held back by his collar being wet, pushing back all the thoughts he moved to hug her but Cody pulled her into a hug and Song saw Lucy really needed Cody's comforting words at the moment
"You should get changed." Cody said, he was right the temperature was warmer in the mansion.

"don't worry I will take care of her" He assured and Song nodded believing he would.

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