Warner Williams

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“Song still hasn’t come yet?” Cody asked and Warner clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, anticipating Owen heard, he wanted him to hear that and know how his ex-wife didn’t took a stand for his blood-son, not caring if it mattered to Owen or not. If Owen was bad then Lucy wasn’t that great either. Warner’s eyes turned small seeing Owen’s step slow down on purpose and a smile appeared on his face, like maybe it did matter to Owen.
“How long is he going to stay out?” Cody asked to Lucy.
“Did he called you or you called him?” Cody interrogated, with anger.
“Song hasn’t been home? Since when?” Warner looked at Owen’s raised eye-brows it was out of concern is what he speculated.
“Stay out of my family.” Cody snapped with a smirk and Warner saw his mother noticing him, she knew her son is a master mind behind this mess,
“12 hours exactly, around last night.” Jennifer said, and Warner felt her hold his hand.
Owen froze, like he was remembering something, for a moment Warner was concerned at the long pause. Until he spoke again to Aster.
“He was with you, wasn’t he?” Warner looked at Aster whose fret was visible.
“You met him! Of course, then you also might know where he is.” Cody raised his eyebrow and Warner had to stay quiet. Cody was putting allegations on Owen, deep down Warner agreed the fact he might have hurt Song and the scar he had been hiding.
“You met him? Owen where the hell is my Song?” Lucy stormed, her eyes grew broad, she walked towards Owen who looked confused.
“I am the one to ask that, last night I met him down the streets after this jerk raised his hand on him.” Owen jeered glaring at Cody who looked away, so he cares? Warner asked
“Mr. Song Hart left saying he will come back when he feels like, I did say that to Mrs. Lucy Williams.” Aster explained and Warner scoffed hearing Hart.
“Hart?” Cody asked
“He said Williams is not for him and I shouldn’t address him as Song Williams but Song Hart.” Cody chuckled looking at Lucy.
“He better show up dead or he will be dead by my hands.”
The anger rushed in his veins as he wanted to beat the shit out of the man, he had to call dad, not mostly because he said that about Song but because he had said the same thing before to someone he truly loves, Jennifer. How he said that at this very mansion throwing the bags towards her while she cried.
“You better show up dead or you will be by my hands, Jen.”
Warner looked at Jennifer whose lips were slightly parted and he could tell she had that same flash back which he had. Would Lucy not speak up? Warner thought.
“You. Asshole!” Owen stormed punching Cody’s face as Warner put his hand on his fore-head.
“You will be dead by my hands!” Owen yelled as Cody punched him back as Warner noticed Jennifer shook her shoulder’s signaling Aster to stop them.
“We will see about that!” Cody scoffed and Aster pulled Owen back off Cody who was breathing heavily like Owen but jerked Aster’s hands off and crossed his arms.
“Owen.” Jennifer called and Owen exhaled with rage then looked at Jennifer.
“Jennifer.” More reluctantly than before.
“Let’s just file a report after 12 hours.”
The commissioner’s eyes were stuck on Warner who was confused watching how close the commissioner and his father were, he hated the house it sort of gave him a feeling of trapped inside, the whole mansion had police security for his protection.
“Your step-son went missing just few weeks after your real son’s accident, interesting. The two might be connected.” He said with confidence his few greyed hair were perfectly set, connected? No! he walked out by his own will, Warner thought and expected Cody to tell the truth who didn’t.
“Exactly!” Cody stated. Lucy’s eyes squinted at his tone.
“No! He left the mansion after you hurt him.”
Cody looked at Lucy and the commissioner looked at Warner, flabbergasted was the word that came in Warner’s mind by seeing his expression.
“Yes. The jerk slapped my son, -wait that can be called suspicious.” Owen put a finger on his chin, in a deep thought and it instantly clicked to Warner that it might be true, Song must’ve been kidnapped.
“Domestic Violence, is the case Cody?” Commissioner’s one eye-brow was raised.
“No.” Warner scoffed at the tone and nudged Lucy who looked at him.
“Call Solomon, maybe he might know where Song is.” Lucy nodded and went out to talk on the phone.
“Do you suspect anyone, the brake was deliberately failed or done by someone?” Warner took a moment reflecting on all his relations, June was his only best-friend but he left the mansion after he fell asleep, he trusted June a lot and was convinced that he would never try to hurt him, Song was already not being able to walk with those crutches but at first Warner did suspect that he was lying about the pain until he saw how much it really hurt him to get down the stairs.
“No, June was the one who saved me so he couldn’t do that and Song had a fracture so he wouldn’t do that either.” Warner reported, even if he wanted to was silent. Commissioner pursed his lips and the strong aura was not something Warner admired at the moment.
“Father-in-law, where is the asshole, Shawn?” Warner heard a squeaky voice as a girl stood beside the commissioner with a big burger who didn’t seem to be bothered by her loud tone nor by her small bare outfit, Warner wasn’t affected by her dressing sense but the dress was so ripped that they could see her rib-cage bones through it.
“Why? Do you want to call off the wedding?” Commissioner asked, his voice was even that Warner felt like he was investigating her as well. A smile appeared on her face.
“I might.” She giggled and waved at Cody.
“Uncle, long time no see, what happened now?”
“She is Richard’s daughter-in-law, Gabriella Young.” Cody introduced noticing everyone’s flabbergasted expression.
“She had done major in fashion designing.” Commissioner proudly boasted, Warner wanted to say that he suspected that from her outfit. Lucy rushed in impatiently,
“Solomon said he was not with him.” Her voice came out wobbly, the commissioner hummed.
“Give me the picture.” He demanded and Warner sighed, if he wasn’t with Solomon then, where the hell, was he? This made him think the conviction was true, Song might have been kidnapped. Lucy handed the picture to the commissioner who inhaled deeply as Gabriella savored the burger ignoring the dripping cheese that fell on some files. The commissioner scoffed but didn’t look angry by her action instead smiled.
“These files are important G.” He revealed, and her cheeks stopped chewing.
“We should go home now.” Jennifer mumbled and the concern reflected in her tender eyes for him.
“Please have some tea, it’s been so long since I last met Cody.” Warner shook his head hating the idea to stay in his house for any minute longer,
“Sure.” Cody said.
Warner sipped the tea and saw a young man walk downstairs with a cigarette in his hand which he instantly passed to the security spotting people in his house,
“This is my son Shawn.” Commissioner mentioned.
“Coming with me?” He asked, his eyes on Gabriella who shook her head as a no and he waited for her sneakily smoking the cigarette and the commissioner acted like he didn’t smell that.
“My son had an accident and my other step-son is missing.” Cody explained to Gabriella who looked at Warner.
“Sad to hear that, I hope you’re okay now.”
“I am.” She smiled hearing that and it faded away the moment Commissioner gave her the photo, her eyes crinkled and then widened, was she a comedian?
“If you find him then let me know.” He stated and she froze.
“Isn’t he Song Hart?” All eyes were on her now, Warner could hear Cody’s grunt at the Hart. The Commissioner tilted his head at her, he looked confused as well.
“He is, how do you know?” Jennifer inquired, softly.
“We were together last night.” Her voice diminished as she was concentrated at the photo and Warner noticed the suspicion in his father, mother and step-mother’s eyes which he knew can’t be true, Song didn’t have a girl-friend, if he had why would he always stay at the mansion?
“What were you doing with him?” Cody’s, Owen’s and Lucy’s voice came in unison. Really! They expect Song to have a girl-friend. Warner scoffed.
“No! it is not what you think it was, maybe it was at the moment but not really,”
“Gabriella, where did you see him?”
“He saved me from the robber.”
“You encountered a robber?”  Commissioner looked worried and she chuckled.
“I am not hurt, he saved me along with the blue-eyed guy, he said he was Chester.” She mentioned
“Aster?” Jennifer asked, her eyebrows were raised and she nodded.
“Then? Where did he go?” Commissioner asked again began with the serious tone.
“Chester left and Song and I met again, he looked sad, I offered him a lift.” Her face turned pale, like she was scared to speak up, Warner suspected her but why would a commissioner’s daughter-in-law be interested in Song? Fred Hutchins was the richest person in the country.
“You offered a lift to a total stranger?” Black haired Shawn looked disappointed.
“We used to study at the same primary school.” She added,
“Fumi school.” She looked at Lucy who shook her head showing the girl was not lying.
“Where did you drop him?” Black haired Shawn asked he seem to notice the anxiousness in them.
“My home?” It came out more like a question and she closed her eyes, Warner’s convictions of her kidnapping Song were coming true.
The commissioner got up with a jerk with her eyes on her, she opened her eyes and sneakily looked at the commissioner.
“You kidnapped him?” Black haired Shawn’s eyebrow curled up, but he didn’t look mad but rather disappointed.
“Then what happened! Gabriella.” Commissioner with his hand on his forehead.
“Why did you take him to your place?” Black haired Shawn smirked. Aren’t they going to get married? Warner asked.
“For the same thing you take those girls at the club for.” She snapped and stopped spotting all the gazes on her, Warner used to think only his family was complicated but seeing the commissioner’s family he had a change of mind.
“Gabriella, go on.” Commissioner, with his hand on his forehead, he seemed to regret stopping them for tea, but got the actual tea.
“I told him something I don’t find comfortable saying in front of you all, he didn’t seem to understand it well so doesn’t count,” She airily waved her hand.
“I leaned in to kiss him, he seemed triggered and slapped me and said it was unintentional.” Black haired Shawn was laughing, seriously are they both not getting married? Warner crinkled his eyebrows.
“Was it really unintentional?” He mumbled more like a mock.
“Then he left, I don’t know where he is, okay?” She thundered and got up grabbing Black haired and now Warner noticed baby faced too Shawn’s hand leaving the mansion.
“I will call you if I get any news about Song and Warner, please reflect on who you suspect, this is a serious issue.” Commissioner advised and Warner inhaled deeply knowing it was a serious issue but felt better feeling Jennifer’s hand holding his, he wished to never let go of it.
The backyard had daffodils and Warner couldn’t help but went to take a closer look at it, while caressing the flower he heard something which made him froze.
“Shawn is not talking to you?” Warner heard Cody’s voice.
“Fuck that Bella Jones, that girl couldn’t leave us even after her death, first she took over Shawn and now even though that bitch is dead he still won’t move on!” Commissioner’s voice got high but Warner heard Cody’s shush. Who was Bella Jones, how did Cody know her? Warner had those questions.
“Okay but are we clean? You know her reports must’ve shown she was assaulted before falling from the hospital.” Warner’s hand had turn cold, his father was involved in a death conspiracy saying those words like he had hands in that as well.
“No, that’s the issue Cody! The doctor told me if I am thinking to cover it, because her ex-boyfriend had found out about the assault”
“Who is he. Why don’t you teach him a lesson or give him some money”
Warner felt his heart sunk at the thought his father had done something, a girl was involved in this the same case Warner heard from Lily’s mouth, she worked under June he remembered how June was traumatized for a whole month and now he found out his father was involved in this.
“I haven’t got his information but the doctor was willing and said he cared about my image but he wants me to find someone to blame at”
“Who will you frame?” Warner turned hiding behind the flowers feeling his head hurt hearing everything they were saying.
“Shawn,” He took a long pause, his face turned pale
“He is your son Fred!” Cody got annoyed
“That way I will be able to keep my position along with saving Shawn from the case but first he needs to be framed, don’t worry I talked it out with Andrew, he said he will handle the case.” Commissioner took a moment, the tension was seen in his eyes,
“My Lawyer.”
Warner left the backyard feeling like he can’t walk anymore but did walk yet it felt like he couldn’t, he wanted to unhear everything he heard. Unhear his father being a bad person worse than Owen also worse than Lucy for a second
“Warner, what’s wrong?” Jennifer’s eyebrows raised, she was concern Warner wanted to say I am okay but the truth was he wasn’t, why would his father do this?
Only Warner knows how hard it was for him to get back to the mansion, with all those thought and the words of Cody and Commissioner’s conversation echoing in his head, he exhaled deeply opening his I pad and searched
[Bella Jones]
Bella Jones was an ex-reported and shifted her career for personal issues to working as a designer at Ray Company, she was an orphan at Great Kids are often Abandoned. Unfortunately, she seemed to attempt suicide recovering at Fred Hospital.
No family found.
Warner massaged his temples going through all the information and photos of her on the internet, only one thing came into Warner’s mind If he really had a hand in this, I will kill him myself.
He closed the I pad and ran to Jennifer’s room who looked up from her bed.

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