Shawn Hutchins

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“This might become a problem for you, Shawn you can NOT say yes to this.”

RIGHT, HE SHOULDN’T but he still cared about his father a lot, not for the man he had become now but the man who loved him so much in his childhood, now all that was colored black.
“I won’t.” He said and wrote the same text to his father and after a few minutes he got a message from Jeremy.


[Can you meet me at the football court? I need to talk to you]
[8 pm]

Interesting, the man who had never ever texted Shawn wanted him to meet him, he knew Jeremy wasn’t a guy who talks without his benefit or if it is about Gabriella. Gabriella must’ve done something.
Shawn texted back,
Shawn kept his phone down and saw Samuel, concerned.
“If you are willing to fight this with me, you would need to be cautious about any attack.”

“I am well aware.” That’s what you get after studying your father’s book shelves, all about law and studies of police.
“Call me, anytime they try to frame you or hurt you, okay?” Samuel raised an eye-brow and Shawn nodded understanding his concern.

The foot-ball court was unusually empty, the fear of uncertain got its grip on Shawn who wiped it away the moment he spotted Jeremy beside the net in his plain blue shirt and black jean, he waved at Shawn.

“What came up that you had to call me?” Shawn interrogated and took a moment to hear how he could hear his voice echo in the court, he stood facing Jeremy who exhaled sharply, okay that was enough for Shawn to suspect he would’ve been here to talk about Gabriella using his black card and Jeremy wanted to compensate it back but noticing the unusual quietness he decided to take a moment.

“Well, I just needed to talk about the engagement and Gabriella’s ongoing studies. I had told her to focus on her studies but you should talk it out to her, she listens to you and,” Something was off, the tone, his expressions and especially his widened eyes. Taking a step away from Jeremy he felt someone behind him and Jeremy’s face turned dull.
“Cody, don’t you think this is wrong?” Shawn turned quickly with a jerk which he felt in his whole body to see Cody in his white shirt and black jean accessorized with a black tie, his hair were all messy and he met Shawn’s eyes.
“Hi! Shawn!” He greeted, coldly not a trace of stretched muscle to show a smile. He started pulling his sleeved up till his fore-arm and Shawn realized he was freeze for a long time now, because now Cody’s hands were on his shoulders.
“Do we even know each-other, Mr. Jeremy what is he doing here?” Shawn asked looking at Jeremy who looked down.
“You won’t work as our defendant, huh?” Cody interrogated, that huh echoed the court and Shawn squinted his eyes, they think bullying me into this would make me their defendant? No, Shawn scoffed.
“No! I won’t be, didn’t my father tell you already?” A kick in the knee made Shawn fall down on the cold hard ground of the foot-ball court, groaning in pain he got up enduring the pain along with Cody’s glare.
“You won’t work as our defendant? Did I hear it right?” Shawn nodded clenching his jaws, one more punch and the Cody would be hurt by him.
“Tie him up!” Cody gestured with his finger while Jeremy held Shawn’s hands backwards tying his hands what seemed like a sharp thin rope as Cody clasped his shoulders, Shawn tried to punch Cody who endured the punch in his gut. He punched Shawn’s face as he stumbled into the net but got his balance, his lip was bleeding. He then again punched Shawn’s stomach.
“Hurting me won’t make me say yes.” Shawn snickered and Cody chuckled with a smirk on his face which muddled Shawn
“You are now under my control son.” Shawn didn’t comprehend what he meant until he saw steps approaching towards them, it echoed in the foot-ball court. Squinting his eyes through the pain he saw Fred, his father. He was watching this? From a while? He also watched how the man Cody hurt him yet, stood back?
“Dad?” He whispered feeling the blood of his lip in his mouth, anticipating he would help him out,
“Did he say yes?” He asked facing Cody.
‘Did he say yes?’ that was enough to break his heart, the jerk he had to call dad did this, he let this happen and eventually was an accomplice.
“Now, who are you calling? Your father is here sweetheart now who will save you?” Shawn’s eyes were glued on Fred who seem to not hold the eye-contact for long, his eyes twitched but it was too late, he did this to Shawn, he let this happen to Shawn.
“Where did I go wrong?” Shawn asked,
“Dad, where did I go wrong? That you can put me through this, don’t you have a heart?” His father inhaled deeply as Cody squeezed Shawn’s cheeks making him look at him
“We will hand you few objects and you will touch them, hence giving your finger prints.” He jerked Shawn’s jaw and he looked at Fred waiting for him to speak up for him yet he stayed quiet.
“Looking at him reminds me of Bella” Cody scoffed and Shawn came to his sense, these jerks were the one who hurt her.
“Touch this!” Cody handed the hockey stick to Shawn whose hands were tied up.

“Don’t do this please, dad. This is wrong, I can’t be framed.” Shawn tried to say but Jeremy untied his hands as Fred sat on the ground next to Shawn taking his hand towards the hockey stick and Shawn squeezed his eyes enduring the betrayal his own father plotted against him, Bella and God knew who else.
After minutes of touching the objects, Shawn got up flinching due to his knee, he was sure it was fractured by how sharp the pain was shooting his knees. He felt Fred’s hand come forward to touch him but he rebuked it with his palm.

“The hands which helps bad shouldn’t come forward to mend what is good.” He stated and walked out his fore-arm was bleeding while his lips blood was frequently dripping down his shirt, he finally went out calling who he should’ve at the moment.
“Samuel, I need you to pick me up, argh! This stupid knee.”
“Are you okay?” Samuel asked from the phone, no my knee is fractured, my fore-arm feels like they haven’t stinged this much while my face I hope is okay. Shawn inhaled deeply.
“Can you first pick me up or book a cab, I am at the foot-ball court beside the ice-cream parlor” Shawn instructed looking at the ice-cream parlor.

“My friend takes that route wait I will call him. Don’t worry stay on the line.” Shawn nodded hearing Samuel’s other phone falling on the ground.
“Hey, June. I need you to do me a favor.”

It was past 9 now, Shawn saw Cody come out with his father and Jeremy. The blood on Shawn’s shirt was getting dry leaving marks on the warm ivory color of the shirt.
“I will drop you home.” Fred said, with a soft tone.
“No.” Shawn said
“Let him drop you home, you won’t get a cab at this hour.” Cody held Shawn’s arm as he tried to jerk it off.
“I have a lift.” Shawn imparted through the sigh.
“Let go.” He said to Cody who scoffed holding him back.
“Let your father drop you.”
A sharp punch knocked down Cody who covered his nose which started bleeding, Shawn saw the young man who did that, he had brunette hair and slim but fit body. The face of a revenge taker, Shawn thought.
“June, what did you do?” Shawn heard Cody and instantly realized he was the friend who was supposed to pick Shawn up.

“June? June Parker? I am Shawn.” Shawn introduced but he was too busy glaring at Cody.

“Who hurt you?” He asked and made Shawn pause at the sharp tone.
“Cody.” Shawn answered and knew what was going to happen
“Cody.” He repeated with a nod
“Get in the car, I have put the first aid in the backseat help yourself.” June instructed and Shawn nodded but still didn’t move.
He punched Cody down and shoved him with a fake kick which Shawn admired,
“Wounds should be dis-infected Shawn, please go!”
Shawn took a final glance at Fred who shook his head as a No but Shawn was  hurt enough to not listen to his jerk father who gave him up for a defendant.
“I think you’re only good at fighting with people who won’t fight back.” Shawn heard and chuckled at the humor.
“What are you doing? Do you even know anything?” Cody asked
“I know one thing which is Cody Williams is a stupid jerk and weak and hollow, I know everything in fact.”

Shawn was looking outside the car, feeling the shooting pain make him feel more alive but the lip was still stinging even though June was kind enough to put on the disinfectant on his lips and offered him a new shirt which was in-fact ivory colored.
“I hope you’re feeling better, the knee is not fractured anyway so drop the thought of having a fracture, okay?” Shawn turned to look at June with his chin resting on his palm hearing June talk to him like a father of 45-year-old. The health anxiety of Shawn wasn’t quite reassured by a person but only by a doctor.
“Are you a Doctor?"

“No, my mother was.” Shawn nodded feeling the cold breezes from Samuel’s house lane and anticipated June to take the turn but instead he drove straight arising suspicion.
“Samuel’s house is the other way.”
“I know, I have to pick a friend up.” He said and stopped the car, the view outside Shawn’s window was a big shopping mall and spotted Gabriella who came out with lots of bags of different brands.
“Kids these days buy everything trendy no matter how costly they are.” Shawn heard June’s comment.
“That kid is my fiancé, but not anymore.” June gave a flabbergasted look to Shawn.
“Is your friend going to take long? If so, I will get a cab.” Shawn asserted brushing off the conversation, he was now sensitive by what happened, by his betrayer father and just needed to let it out, June being with him it was coming out on him.
“Go ahead.” He unlocked the door and Shawn found it impolite and rude but was relaxed.
“But you won’t get a cab at this hour.” He ignored the mumbling of June and opened the door to bump into a female figure and felt his hand on something in-appropriate, he quickly put his hands back off her waist and saw her head hung low, she was wearing a loose tee with a denim cargo pants with her hair partitioned on the side. Shawn wanted to look at her.

“I am sorry, are you okay?” Shawn was worried and had his hands inside his pocket after touching the girl.
“Lily.” He heard June call the girl, Lily. Lily Park? Was she the Lily he was trying to find from so long, who he thought left the city but was just around it, few distance away.
June walked towards him and pursed his lips. She finally looked up she was indeed Lily Park. Her eyes grew wide as Shawn knew what she was feeling, the same glare in her eyes which was present when she told him to stay away from her.

“Shawn Hutchins?” She asked, her voice was changed it was tough now though the softness was still scattered in that.
“Yes, not something you should’ve remembered.” The bitterness was valid in Shawn’s mind, she chose someone who hurt her instead of him.
“Right.” Lily snapped and turned to June handing him the lunch box. That hurt.

“Thank you!”

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