Warner Williams

27 17 2

Love costs an inevitable breaking of heart.


Why did it hurt him so much? He did not care about Song, he clearly did not but after seeing what happened last night had somewhat changed the way Warner initially perceived him. The big clock showed it was 8 in the morning, exactly 8 hours since Song walked out of the mansion and did not came back while Jennifer stayed beside Warner including Lucy who was now making a soft rice for Walter, her eyes were teary which made Warner growl with thought that, if she is so much worried then why didn’t she save her son? His legs were still trembly after the accident due to brake fail, but who did that was still unanswered. A lot was going on in his mind right now which Jennifer seemed to noticed because she patted Warner on his head.
“Don’t you want to take a shower?” Her smile was helpful to set Warner in a positive mood as he enthusiastically nodded.
“Good, shall I bathe you as well?” She asked and made Warner chuckle remembering how he used to run away from showering, he opened his phone and saw Owen’s text message
[I heard you had an accident! Do you want to meet at the company after your rest?]
Taking a moment to sigh he saw Lucy, the woman who couldn’t save her own son and wondered if she even had tried to save him from Owen, without any hesitation he wrote
[At my mansion works, bring something sweet with you.]
Warner got up from the chair and slowly walked upstairs with Jennifer behind him for support.
“Momma, can you instead make a strong tea?” Warner requested, a smug on his face Jennifer didn’t seem to decipher,
“You don’t drink tea.”
“My guest does.” She nodded walking downstairs after helping him walk till upstairs. Warner was mad at Lucy’s behaviour, which mother doesn’t even stand up for their son? This made his conviction on Lucy of her being greedy for money was turning true and accurate. Before his room was Walter’s room then Song’s and at the corner was Warner’s. He saw Walter crying on the floor of his room less more toys filled room, his face was turned red and dull.
“Walter! Get up it’s 8 am.” Warner demanded, his voice was tough but brotherly, Walter’s big eyes looked at Warner and his lips curled trembling holding back the tears, he ran and hugged Warner.
“Brother Warner, what is wrong? Do I have to run like Brother Song too?”
“Your mother values money more than the son.” He mumbled clear enough for Walter to hear. He was mad at Lucy.
Warner shook his head making Walter face him wiping his tears.
“No, I am here.” Warner smiled as Walter took a pause watching him with innocence.
“Walter, the breakfast is ready.” Warner heard Lucy’s voice from downstairs and Warner waved at him.
“Brother please leave this toy in Brother Song’s room I know he will come back if I give him this.” Warner chuckled watching Walter’s little hands handing him a panda plushie, he never shared with anyone which made Warner remember how alike Walter and Song were, giving away their precious things to make someone else happy.
Warner sighed and went in Song’s room with book towers, keeping the plushie on the bed and not being satisfied he adjusted the plushie and finally kept the plushie inside the blanket leaving the face. He walked down the bed and felt his leg squish something hard but ketchup-like thing and looked down seeing his right foot on the tube from which the creams scattered around.
Warner clicked his tongue taking the tube in his hand, which he thought Jennifer might have left in Song’s room thinking it was Warner’s but stopped reading the name of the tube Scar gel, and read it helps minimize the appearance of the scar. Warner’s eyes squinted with uncertainty about what scar Song had to use such tube, getting a conviction his mouth left a gasp and without any second though he rushed to open the bathroom and got what he was looking for the shirt Song wore at the hospital. He took the shirt hanging at the holder and turned the tap on leaving the water to pass by the shirt with some force to rub, his hands instantly started trembling seeing the clear water hitting the shirt filter out in red.
“Warner! You have a guest.” Warner threw the shirt taking a moment to incline his back at the door. That piece of absolute shit Owen Hart, Warner thought and ran out closing the tap with the trembling hands. Owen was on the couch and Warner could sense his awkwardness to see Lucy here.
“I am glad you’re okay.” Owen sniffled his voice was low like he wanted this to be a secret. Warner nodded.
“He is your guest?” Jennifer shuddered out loud, not fearing Owen.
“Jennifer.” Owen reluctantly smiled.
“Owen.” Jennifer smiled, they knew each-other from high-school and Warner turned to see Lucy quietly with Walter. 12 hours had passed since Song left. Owen handed the sweet stiffly to Warner who opened it and saw he bought everything he liked.
“What is this man doing in my house?” Warner heard a tough tone and saw Cody walk in, seemed like he hadn’t yet over-come the anger from last night. Owen tried to get up but Warner shushed him.
“My guest.” Warner stated and showed the sweets.
Cody shook his head like he was disappointed and stood in front of the couch.
“Lucy, did he bother you again?” Cody asked to Lucy who looked up.
“No.” Lucy answered
Owen waved at Warner with an expression which Warner had been able to read, he wanted to avoid Cody.
“Jennifer.” Owen waved reluctantly as Jennifer did the same.

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