June Collins Parker

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"He did." June nodded, contemplating on how Aster did this? How long did he have to pretend being Warner's best-friend, because it had to come out. Aster wasn't his friend and he would speak up is what June kept thinking.

"Are you completely sure you are the same man person who was clinging on to me yesterday?" Gabriella's waving shoved off the bubble of thoughts June had been contemplating his whole after-noon,

Aster did know everything about his plan.

"I am." He smiled because how much he loved being around girls, who could say no to girls? Not June.

She exhaled dramatically eating the cake.

"Boys keeps fleeting from one girl to another, I am sure you're one of them." He chuckled at her tone and noticed how her hair were in a 2 pony tails with the soft strands of her hair falling perfectly on her side.

"I thought you didn't admire that."

Her eyes grew as she blinked, so cute, June thought.

"What? Your clinging? No. I love that, no one has ever did that before." June chuckled admiring her voice, how adorable she looked to him,

"Tell me..." She said under her breath glancing off at June

"What are you worried about?" June hung his head low, staring at the wooden furnished table finding words to explain his feelings except he couldn't.

"It's okay if you don't want to." She inclined back on her chair, June inhaled lifting up his face,

"What does it mean, when a person lets you off the hook? But holds someone on that, who doesn't seem to be the problem?" Gabriella's lips formed a pout and June regretted asking her the question, he had to figure out himself, why did Aster let him off the hook but on the other hand nearly killed Samuel? These questions repeated over and over in his mind, what is he trying to do, is it a warning or he really won't expose me? June sighed.

"Wait a second...Person A let person B off the hook," June massaged his temple nodding at Gabriella using a fork and a spoon as person A and Person B respectively.

"But when person C comes," She drew out the knife and clashed it with the knife,

"He fights him? Am I correct?" June nodded feeling the head-ache generating in his head.

She lets go off the knife, fork and spoon.

"Easy, person A doesn't hate person B as much as he hates person C."

"My head hurts." June rested his head on the table.

"I think they have some grudges bigger than person B." He reeled back his head, yes that was helpful. Right, but what?

"But my story is bigger." June blurted instinctively slapping his fore-head.

"Person B?" She asked, her face in a grimace inhaling deeply

"I am sorry to bother you, you don't have to help." The pounding in his head worsens, she chuckled to herself and then spoke,

"I remember how when I was around 5 years old, my cousin Nicole and I used to fight so much," June closed his eyes hearing whatever story Gabriella was recalling and felt a hand on his head moving around softly ruffling the strands and he jerked back up, the head-ache pounded sharper for the moment.

"What are you doing?" He asked, her eyes widened with innocence like she didn't just touch his hair.

"I thought you had a head-ache...I wanted to help." June pursed his lips sitting straight on the chair,

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