Warner Williams

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“What brought you here?” Warner asked, knowing his dad would call him home for a lecture on how badly Song was hurt because of Warner’s mistake. He was least interested in getting lectured by Cody who always concluded the argument with Warner, you should respect her as a woman or maybe you don’t respect woman enough. He rolled his eyes and June sighed taking a moment of silence before speaking which he always did.
“Lucy did not say anything to your dad, I checked by calling Aster who told me Song got hurt with a glass when he was hanging around the construction site.” Warner’s eyes got small, this was new, she always made known to Cody about her saying stuff to Cody, but then he realized that Warner had never said anything to Lucy in absence of his father, was she trying to sort this out too? She would be a fool to think that he would feel surprised and show her respect, Warner thought and heard June’s sentence that made him muddled.
“Aster asked me to inform you about Lucy wanting to talk to you.”
“That’s weird.” Lily said and Warner nodded
“I don’t want to talk to her.”
“Warner, maybe then she won’t tell this to Cody.” June entreated in his sharp tone.
“I think you should talk to her.” Lily advised as June pursed his lips.
“You guys should hang out first” June smiled and looked at his watch in an impatient way like he was waiting for someone.
“Are you waiting for someone?” Warner asked, noticing his impatient behaviour.
“Girlfriend?” Lily asked with a smile and June stayed quiet.
“Boyfriend?” She added and Warner noticed June’s serious expression to Lily who was smiling.
“He does not have either of that.” Warner imparted looking at Lily. Warner had been June’s best-friend since primary and he had never seen June in a serious relationship ever, not like Warner had not tried to help him but June always avoided serious dates.
“I don’t know about girl-friends but I do have my side chicks, why? Are you perhaps interested?” June joked and Warner gave him a look that made June smile at him.
“I am sorry.”
“I am waiting for my work mate’s brother, he wanted me to treat him at a good restaurant, but the chef’s leaving for a date.” June informed.
“I am not the only chef.” Lily imparted.
“Okay then we will leave first.” Warner said and held Lily’s hand feeling his mind go crazy seeing her with him, Lily tightened the grip indicating she was happy to hang out with him again.
“I want to leave too.” June scoffed, Warner knew exactly why June was acting cranky, in his whole office life, the most boring activity he had found was treating or getting treated for dinner, not if that employee was a girl.
“Why don’t you call him again, it’s nearly 9.” Warner advised, June bit his lower lip.
“Would be so much better if he does not show up, why do we need to respect the senior’s brother too,” June whined, his small lazy eyes were smaller than before. He had now messed his hairs.
“I want to go home!” June scoffed and Lily gave a confused look to Warner and they heard a deep heavy voice.
“Are you June?”
Warner faced in front to see a man in his pitch-black clothes that for a moment Warner had to blink twice to see his black hair and dark brown eyes shining in the city lights. He was wearing a big leather jacket and Warner felt a fragrance which was rich, cold weathered and realized the man was wearing the byredo bibliotheque perfume.
“I am,” June said more professional tone than before.
“You will be,” June raised his eye-brow and smiled.
“Samuel.” He introduced in his low voice, and his eyes fell on Lily & Warner.
“This is Samuel my senior workmate’s brother, Samuel this is Warner my best-friend and this is Lily his,”
“Lily. Hii.” Samuel said with a smile which was amicable but suspicious to Warner who was ready to throw hands at him, he looked at June who opened his mouth and looked flabbergasted.
“Hello.” Warner said reluctantly and Samuel shifted his gaze from Lily to Warner. Was he being possessive? He was.
“Mr. Evans’s brother, the senior whose average income is 120,00,000 not adding the bonuses.” June said and Samuel smiled uncomfortably. Mr. Evans was a management consultant who had also worked for Warner’s father company so he knew how important was it for June to respect him.
“Isn’t Mr. Evans nearly 40?” Warner asked after he noticed how the man Samuel looked young.
“I am 27 years old. Rowan was born to my first mom while I was born to my mom, we are step-brothers.” Samuel answered and Warner remembered how he also has a 5 years old brother at his 18 years old age, wouldn’t Walter get questions like this in future? A soft smile appeared on his face but he shook that away. Walter is Lucy and Cody’s son and Warner did not want to accept him, he was the reason of her mother’s trauma, Warner had always thought that his father would have not left his mother if it wasn’t for Lucy being pregnant with their baby and even though how his parents never loved each-other still it was better staying like that.
Samuel gave a tight handshake to Warner.
“What do you do?” Warner asked, he still had a bad feeling about him but Mr. Evans was a nice human for him, he could show a good side to Samuel.
“I am a Lawyer.” Samuel said and it all made sense now, him greeting Lily like he knew her. Warner felt the anger run through his veins and Lily nudged him but he was busy battling his angry thoughts.
“Lawyer? That is a very noble profession.” June nervously chuckled.
“Not like you get time to date.” June’s voice got smaller while Warner made a fist.
“I do get time for that,” Samuel smiled
“Hii Lily.” Samuel raised his eyebrow at her, his bambi eyes were big but he still managed to look strong.
“Hii…?” Lily’s voice, confused, Warner turned to her to see her expression like she did not knew him, was she acting? Warner asked closing his eyes.
“Let’s go then, the restaurant’s food is delicious.” June said clearing his throat and Samuel looked at him and nodded.
“I know it is.” Samuel imparted.
“You guys go, I will meet you tomorrow.” June said and took Samuel inside the restaurant and Warner was quiet the whole car ride until they reached Lily’s house.
“Warner, what’s wrong?” Lily asked in a serious tone.
Meaningless thoughts like what if Lily would also turn out like Lucy who left Owen for his father? Will he lose her to someone who does not even know her the way Warner knew? Is she happy with him more than she was happy with Warner? Out of these thoughts one thought stood out to him which he was pushing back. Will I take this offense from Lily? Knowing he was there for her every time she needed him and vice versa but what mattered to Warner now was he was the perfect match for Lily. He turned to Lily feeling his heart beating faster, are you not going to speak up? Tell me why? This was enough, he thought.
“You know I hate lies, so speak up Lily.”
“Are you cheating on me?” He asked in a tone which sounded intimidating, because of the way Lily jumped from her couch.
“What are you talking about?” She looked surprised, is that a plan? Warner scoffed keeping his phone on Lily’s couch, her house was a bit cuter than she acted, while Lily looked tough on the out, her house was the opposite.
“The lawyer guy, aren’t you screwing him behind my back?” Shit his tone was harsh, he realized and instantly regretted saying that louder than it was in his mind. Lily’s eyes were widened with an astonished expression.
“Who are you talking about? Warner I am not cheating on you!” Her voice cracked with her eyebrows furrowed she looked at Warner and he got the memory of Lucy having that same expression when he wished her a ‘Happy Birthday’.
“How am I supposed to know?” That sounded stupid, he was aware but the anger was taking over him, all the frustration that had built inside him for past 5 years was now coming out. He noticed Lily flinch at his tone, her eyebrows were still furrowed.
“Warner, what’s wrong. Did your father yell at you? Is it that Lucy woman. It’s okay, I understand.”
Warner felt his anger build like a big fire. He was not mad at Lily. He did not want to be mad at her. His phone rang as he picked it up watching Lily looking at him with an oblivious look, was she lying? Was she really not cheating? He thought to himself. The reason he wanted to avoid meeting Lily was because of the hurt he was feeling after finding out she was meeting the stupid jerk to him lawyer Samuel.
“June what do you want?” Warner thundered and heard June gasp.
“Bro what the fuck, I am your friend not an enemy.” June said and Warner took a deep breathe but the anger was just getting worse, he then heard a familiar voice and felt like he would just shoot anyone, but he did not have a gun and he wanted one right now to shoot.
“You told me Lily would join us, why isn’t she here?” Samuel asked and June shushed him.
“Lawyers are often busy.”
“Warner…actually the guy Lily was seeing was Samuel but,” his voice sounded worried like he knew how mad Warner already was.
“Don’t act on anything, I am still not sure what they are.” June cleared out and Warner hung the call looking at Lily who was stood with a froze expression.
“I need some water.” Warner smiled, which came out of anger.
He did not think anything but the words that were echoing inside his mind which Owen said.
“Slap her trust me once you catch her with that lawyer.”
Lily sighed and poured the water in the glass, she moved towards Warner handing him the glass as he took it with a smile and threw on the floor as Lily closed her ears hearing the sharp sound.
“Do you count me as a fool, Lily?” His eyes were widened while Lily flinched and looked at him.
“What are you talking about?” Her voice came out wobbly, but Warner couldn’t hear that.
“Prove me.”
“Prove what?”
“That you are not cheating on me.”
Lily stayed quiet, which was not helping calm the anger down.
“Warner, I am not cheating on you. She repeated with her voice cracked.
“Lily, prove me.” He confronted while taking a step towards Lily who was confused but didn’t move back.
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“Samuel, you like him, don’t you?” Lily’s lips parted, her eye brows were raised.
“Samuel, who is Samuel? The guy we met today, I don’t even know him!” Lily stated and Warner scoffed, didn’t Samuel ask about her?
“The why he was asking about you on the phone?” Warner asked
“Phone?” She mumbled her eyebrows were crinkled.
“Why did he ask that?”
He grabbed her by her shoulders shaking her as she gasped.
“Speak up!” Warner’s tone got higher.
“Leave my house right now!” Lily ordered brushing off his hands off her shoulders.
“Leave Warner, please go home for now at least.” She concluded as Warner sighed. He did not want to hurt her. He knew he was, but because he was afraid of losing her and it was wrong.
“You are just like that Lucy!” He blurted out loud and regretted seeing Lily stop to look at him from walking in her room.
“What did you say?” Her voice was dry, indicating she was mad at him but also hurt.
Warner stopped reflecting deeply on how all the things he had talked about Lucy to Lily was her being a man pleaser who only wanted money and she could had used her face for her greed of money.
‘Lily… I didn’t mean that’, He knew he didn’t mean that, but then why couldn’t he say that to her? He was letting his anger control him forgetting how he was in so much love with her, how he really cared about her, how he had also imagined their wedding from the first day of their official date.
He stayed quiet looking at her with a desolated expression.
“What did you say Warner?” She moved towards him and Warner sighed.
“I am like Lucy? I can’t believe you said that!” She scoffed.
He wanted to apologize, he knew he was harsh, but not much after hearing her next statement.
“Who does it make you then? Your dad or Owen?” Warner’s eyes turned smaller at that not getting her point.
“Leave.” She added and crossed her arms.
“Is this you trying to put up an act to cover your cheating?” Warner blurted his voice was harsher even he knew that but couldn’t hold it back.
“I am not cheating on you!”
“Slap her trust me once you catch her with that lawyer.”
Owen’s drunk words were echoing in his mind, he was now regretting drinking with him, all the other thoughts seemed powerless to Warner right now, the more he tried to push it away the raucous and clearer the words sounded in his head. He did not know whom to trust right now, his half-drunk mind or his girl-friend saying she wasn’t cheating on him. To avoid the racing thoughts, he tried to take a deep breathe but failed.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”  His voice inaudible to Lily who raised her eye-brow.
“Wasn’t it your dad’s fault as well? Who told him to get her pregnant, you know him better Warner”
“Your dad can also be fairly blamed.”
Warner could say shit about his father, but hearing it from someone else is not something which he found pleasant.
“Don’t say that.” He warned, his voice was anxious like he knew this would turn out bad.
“Why? You want to do that too?” She asked, her voice was cracking putting all the allegations on Warner, which he knew he wouldn’t.
“Is that what you want to?”
The next thin Warner knew was he had raised his hand on Lily, he did not want to but he did. His eyes grew big seeing Lily’s hand on her left cheek, she froze, tears formed in her eyes.
Warner did not want to see her cry but now she was crying and he was the reason, the man who once made a decision to never hurt Lily had hurt her.
“Lily…” he tried to move towards her but saw Lily move back.
“I am sorry.” That was not the right thing to say, Warner knew that but he now just wanted to make Lily not hate him.
Warner sighed holding Lily’s hand which seemed like it was glued to her cheek, he moved that away and gasped seeing the mark his slap left on her cheek.
“Go away.” Her voice came out wobbly as she went to pick up the glass shattered on her living room floor, carefully keeping it on the tray she had on her small table.
Warner sighed as his face went numb. Staying here would have only caused more problem to Lily so even though he did not want to leave Lily he had to, only because she wanted him to leave.

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