June Park Collins

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June closed his eyes watching Samuel putting the antiseptic cream on Lily’s finger in June’s eyes mercilessly putting the cream.
“Samuel, take it easy.” June pleaded and Lily furrowed her eye brows.
“Please tell the drama Queen whether this hurts or not.” Samuel chuckled concentrated on the cream and Lily’s finger which made June wonder if this is how much concentrated he might look while solving a case? He had never been to any of the court callings, he had never done something to be called to a court.
“It does sting.” Samuel stopped with his eyes grew broad.
“It is supposed to sting” He imparted in his serious tone and Lily smiled holding back her laughter but soon her face turned sad.
“You’re the absurd person I have ever met” Samuel was furious at June who knew this was going to happen, Samuel disliked the fact he made him meet Lily without his consent. His voice was now higher after eating a big meal which June regretted to ask for, but he had to hear Samuel’s offended words.
“If you would be my opponent, I would easily sue you, good that Jennifer is not stupid” Hearing that June stopped pulling over the car, to look at Samuel who instantly buried his hand on his forehead.
“Jennifer Williams? You are fighting from her side?” June’s tone got raucous and the happiness was gone now all he had felt was anger running through his blood.
“That bitch is still calling you? I thought you were just bearing with her due to her emotional state” June yelled and felt Samuel open his mouth.
“Why do you care?” Samuel bellowed and June stopped inhaling deeply.
“I just do, Samuel you saw how she is, we can’t trust her” June imparted, his tone was harsh. Samuel nodded and June paused understanding what Samuel had been doing for the past few months.
“Is this the reason you’re working over night?” June raised his eyebrow.
“No! I am handling a divorce case and they can be complicated too.” Samuel sighed looking out of the window as June regretted raising his voice on Samuel.
“I am sorry.” June sighed as Samuel grabbed his phone in his hand and June saw he was indeed calling cab.
“Can you stop here.” June stopped the car looking at Samuel who would not look at him, he opened the door when June scoffed watching him walk out.
“You can go.” Samuel said, his tone showed he was mad at June.
“Samuel.” June sighed.
“Leave.” Samuel blurted and June left
June knew he was wrong but he was also used to ‘on the tip of the nose anger’ of Samuel.
June opened the door with the keys clinking that echoed even though he tried hard not to, just then a girl opened the door, her eyes were big like buttons seeing June her corner of the lips were turned up.
“Hello sir, I had been waiting for you, I had made the food but you need to heat it again.” Nicole, the maid of June said.
“You haven’t left?” June asked looking around and saw his neighbor eavesdropping on his conversation.
“My pay check.” She hesitated and June paused realizing in all the drama he had forgotten to send the pay to Nicole.
“Yeah, I totally forgot it wait.” June said taking out his phone from his pocket as Nicole’s eyes were on the phone.
“Done.” June smiled looking at her then at the notification he had got from Mr. Evans that said
[Sam will be staying here for few more months. Thank You June, you might be a real good friend to make Sam stay here more than I expected him to.]
June shook his head remembering how he had screwed the friendship with Samuel.
[Don’t count it Mr. Evans.] he wrote back.
“I broke up with my boyfriend.” June instantly looked up to face Nicole whose eyes were shiny.
“I am sorry to hear that.” June imparted and again started typing [I gave the card to Lily.] and sent to Warner.
“I broke up with him because of you.” June stopped and felt a sudden rush of annoyance, is she getting serious about this? June asked to himself.
“Why is that so?” June asked and the eaves-dropping neighbor was still there so June just went in the house as Nicole looked at him.
“Don’t you remember? You told me you liked me.”
June scoffed.
“Yes, just because I am big liar.” He blurted with a reluctant expression on his face.
The girl’s face was turned dull, her smile was now faded, poor Nicole for getting fooled by June’s big lies.
“You can leave, and just get back with your boyfriend.” June advised with a serious tone.
“If he says no take him to me.” June assured and took the glass from the shelf pouring the chilled water and drank in one go. Working for revenge was harder than he had thought and now he was asking to save a relationship which was torn due to his stupid unserious behaviour.
“You are a jerk!” She fumed and June chuckled, this was not the first he had been called that.
“You are a big cheat.” She added and June pursed his lips looking at her and she paused, she had over-spoken.
“How am I a cheater? You cheated on your boy-friend with me, I am just an innocent single young guy in this.” June contended and the girl shook her head, just like always he had successfully got out of trouble and relationship.

The Book Boy's Revenge 1Where stories live. Discover now