Not ready

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Sophie :

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Sophie :

"I'm not ready to tell anybody yet." I rub my runny nose using my sleeve.

I look beside me at Noah's face, a genuine and concerned expression put on.

"Well, okay." He sighs, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry.." I murmured, feeling bad about dragging him all the way out here for my own selfish reasons.

"Don't be." He kept his eyes trained on the road.  I can see that he wants to know out of concern, but I just need to process what just happened personally as well.

"I should be. I dragged you out here for nothing. You could be having fun with your family and friends." My feelings began to catch up with me again.

"Sophie. I told you if you needed anything, to call me. And you did exactly that. Don't feel bad about anything." Noah said nonchalantly, seeming to not know where he's going.

"I'm sorry."

"You know what Sophie? Since you are just so sorry, why don't you help me find the directions back to school." I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. So I did anyways.

I reached into the backseat, and plucked my cellphone out of the duffel bag's front pocket.

"Umm turn left at Florian Road." I directed him on where to go. "Oh come on, you get signal and I don't? The universe must really dislike me." He scoffs, rolling his eyes in a vexed manner.

"Well I like you.."

"Thank you."

"And sorry about that."

"Okay from now on. You are banned from saying that word in front of me."

"I just felt bad." The corners of my mouth tipped up. It was actually kind of funny seeing him annoyed. 'That was your last chance.' He tutted, a small smile adorning his face as well.

After everything that happened today, I was feeling quite drowsy. Maybe I am just a little bit overwhelmed by the extreme events that took place.

My eyelids slowly felt heavier and heavier, as I shifted to my side. And my legs lowered onto the ground. The last thing I felt was Noah's hand taking my phone from my hand, before falling into deep slumber.



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Noah :

"Sophie." I tap her on the shoulder for the fifth time. I parked my car in the school parking lot ten minutes ago and she has yet to wake up.

"Fuck it." I scoff, scooping her up in my arms, not surprised she doesn't weight anything; her duffel bag on my shoulder. Sophie's little arms dangling due to her position.

"Young man, where do you think you are going with that girl? It is three am in the morning, what are you even doing outside?" A teacher called out behind me. "I just picked her up. She fell asleep. What do you want?'" I groaned in frustration, why must there always be some kind of obstruction to pass? 

"You take one more step and detention it is for you tomorrow afternoon!" I turned around to face the teacher, a glower on my face; before proceeding to go further into the school foyer.
"Mr Alcocer! Where do you think you are going!" Mr Crichton came running after me.

"Shut the fuck up." I rolled my eyes in agitation.

"Excuse you?" He yells, his face a putrid red colour, and steam practically whistling out of his ears.

"Look if you're going to follow me all the way to her dorm, then I don't suggest you to. Seeing as your occupation as a teacher would be at stake for crossing the line and entering a female students room." I replied bluntly, even though inside I was anything but calm. He did, in fact, end up following me all the way to her room.

"What are you implying?" Mr Crichton scowled at me from the door as I chucked Sophie's sneakers in the corner along with her duffel bag, and placed her down in her bed; her body rolling over with a soft ruffle.

"I'm not implying anything Mr Crichton. I simply gave you a suggestion and you didn't take it." I pulled Sophie's pastel pink blanket up to her chin, and made my way out of her room, shutting her door behind me.

"Headmaster Covernest will be hearing about this nonsense!"

"Well Mr Crichton, it's my word against yours." I shrugged as I continued trudging down the stairwell. Completely ignoring Mr Crichtons bleats, demanding me to stop walking away from him.

Honestly who wouldn't want to walk away from him?

As soon as I reached my own dormitory, I had no more energy to keep up with Ryan's drunkenness, neither Rory's excuses on why there is thirteen cracked plates or some sort of shag.

I entered my personal room, sitting myself down on my bed. It's been a long day. Both for me and Sophie. I can't blame her when she's uncomfortable with telling me about what happened. It must have really hurt her bad though, when I think back to our phone call, she sounded so broken.

And though I may never know what happened,
I hope one day she finds somebody she's comfortable telling everything to.

And though I may never know what happened, I hope one day she finds somebody she's comfortable telling everything to

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