At last

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Noah :

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Noah :

Shielding your feelings from other people by dragging the sheerest curtain of fake emotion over your face like a bridal veil isn't going to last very long.

Especially when the only sheer curtain you are equipped with was your hand. I undeniably just wanted to cry. Not even for how sorry I feel for myself for allowing myself to slip into this situation, but for how difficult the whole situation has evolved. I can't even see a girl for gods sake and all I want to do is apologise.

Now, I have to beg. Quite literally. There was not even a one percent chance that Coach was going to go out of his way-once again-to help me sneak out of school. Not only that, but he'd have to drive me.

My car was all the way stuck back at Brighton, and I wasn't going to attempt to break into another car, after the game of tag you're it with Geoffrey the security guard, there was the slightest slit, if not none, in a concrete block of a wall that I could squeeze myself into that separated me and him. The alternative outcome was that I would be cornered and arrested.

It was a long shot in the dark to ask Coach after his generous offer. But it was the only way I could even get close to seeing her. Madame Angpol's transferral plot was the one thing that screwed up everything. It's like the animal food chain. I just can't help but think what would've been the present matter if she didn't put the stupid sport first.

So here I was, standing upon Coach's door in hesitation. I needed to know if I did this right here right now if it was definite he would help me. It felt like as if I was a little child anticipating what Christmas present I was going to receive and if my parents had gotten me the toy I wanted.

No. Absolutely not. There must be another way. My feet functioned on their own accord, receding away from the door. I pushed my spectacles up the bridge of my nose in a way where it felt like I was trying to hide my disappointment.

But before I could travel any farther, the soft click of Coach's door opening stopped me in my tracks. "Noah. It's quite late don't you think? Shouldn't you be deep in your slumber by now?" The way he spoke signified a sort of calmness. "Do you know what happened?" I kept my back facing him. "No." Silence flooded the room after his confirmation of unwitting.

It felt a bit odd having to explain the very vile truth of his colleagues actions, it's like tattling in kindergarten. Coach sighed, realising this debacle wouldn't end until we'd reach the end of the line. "Why don't you pop yourself in here. I'll go fix us a cup of joe, we both need it after today." He ushered me in, fixing his robe to his torso tightly.

I sat myself down on one of the armchairs in the corner of the room, while Coach busies himself with the coffee he mentioned. All that was in the area was a small bed propped in the centre of the room and the armchairs, one deserted dedicated for Coach, and one that u sat in.

"Here, take it. It's decaf, which is absolutely disgusting because it's not real coffee, and frankly, we are in desperate need of caffeine especially after whatever of a conversation I am about to endure." He pressed a porcelain mug into my palms, his hands wrapped around his own green one as he sat down in the seat opposite me in a sore manner. 

"So, tell me, boy. What is it that you have discovered."

I took a hard swallow of the searing coffee, but then retracted my tongue after realising it tasted absolutely foul. "As you know, we have already established earlier that Madame Angpol is responsible for the transferral, but something that we have yet to discuss is the whereabouts of Sophie," Coach nods in understanding, but without breathing a word.

"Earlier this evening, we didn't have any knowledge of her location, hence I approached Madame Angpol about the situation; eventually she informed me that Sophie's medical business had commenced at St.Jude's Hospital." His eyes kept trained on the floor as I continued talking, somehow refraining from speaking at all, which is quite unlike him.

"And? How am I supposed to provide you with assistance?" He asks, something in his expression tells me he knows what I am about to as of him. "I need you to take me there. It's a long ride but I really need to be there, I just need to see her and know she's alright."

I seal my eyelids shut, awaiting his response, just to moments later, feel a patch of warmth on shoulder. I opened my eyes to be met with Coach's stern face, but it wasn't the same kind that he usually would put up. It was like it was subconsciously melting away the longer I stared at it.

"Alright. If that is what you really want. I suppose I have enough energy to drive just a little longer." A bleak smile touched the dip in his lips. "Thank you." And for the first time since I was thirteen, I shared a pure and genuine smile with my hockey coach. No, not when we won a game, not when I had won a trophy, but when I felt like he actually cared.

The ride on the way to St. Jude's positively lacked of any unsolicited interruptions, but that should be regarded as a fortunate coincidence, for most of the occurrences that have happened over the past twenty four hours haven't been so- great.

I had never felt this way in my entire life. It felt like I'd accomplished something so much more than an exam or hockey game.

Coach had used the same reasoning with the concierge at the hospital, hence they allowed us the privilege of Sophie's information.
"Do you think it's down here?" Coach looks at the card the desk lady had given him, it's contents stating the room information that which Sophie resided in. "No, I'm sure it says hall four, this is hall six."

Before we could even think to search one hallway, I was off. At this point my desperation was growing and I couldn't care less if I got lost.

Just as I took one more left, the sight of a golden something through the viewing window of a room caught my eye. It was her. Her that I saw.

At last. I had found her. Her golden locks spread out on the white sheets beneath her put any sort of sunshine to shame. Seeing her hooked up to all the wires and the poor shade of what once was her glimmering skin made my chest ache, but the most important thing was that I had found her.

"Hey Soph."

A/N :  Merry Christmas readers! Many have been asking for an update so as a writer, I must deliver

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A/N : Merry Christmas readers! Many have been asking for an update so as a writer, I must deliver. Hope you enjoyed because I spent my Christmas afternoon finishing this off.
Your welcome.


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