Not nice

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Henry :

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Henry :

'You what?' I asked for the fifth time. Trying to comprehend the-not bomb- but a fucking IED Sophie just nuked me with. We were sitting in our shared quarter, firstly discussing the consultation we experienced a week ago, then somehow, the conversation transitioned into talking about why she was late for said consultation.

'We kissed!' She flopped back face first into my bed, shoving her head into a pillow. I yanked her out by her sweater in disbelief. 'No you didn't.' I stared at her in awe. Did I see it coming? Probably. Just never addressed it. She seems happy I'm happy.

'We did! It was the best kiss ever!' Sophie squirms around, unable to contain her happiness. 'I hate to break it to you, but it was your only kiss.' I blinked at the caterpillar of a girl rolling around on my bed, she sits up to roll her eyes at me before a genuine smile spread across her face.

'I'm gonna go get ready.' She stands skipping into the shared bathroom. Tonight was contestant mingle night, so I understand her need to get ready; but what I don't really understand, is why make friends with your competition when you're aiming to defeat them? But aside from that, this new intel wasn't the only overwhelming thing that's been unloaded upon me; Sophie's collection of "god knows what"was flooding the counter of the bathroom.

'What about this?' She walked out of the bathroom wearing a pale orange sweater and jeans after a whopping twenty five minutes. 'You look fine now can we get going? By the time you're finished getting ready the mingling night will be over.' I groaned in exasperation.
'I'm sorry.' She looked down at her loafers.

Dang it. 'Don't be sorry, I just wanted to have more time to meet new people.'

As of which, I am now regretting saying. Because as soon as we got to the event, we both decided not to talk to anybody, leaving us the only people standing in the corner; watching everyone else get to know each other. 'Umm I'm going to get water. Do you want anything?' She speaks, her soft voice breaking the silence. 'Nah, go right ahead. But be safe alright?' I say warningly, knowing that most of the contestants are suspiciously convincing, and have been suspended at least once for having competition illegal drugs in their system.

'Whatever.' She giggles, skipping off to the refreshment table. I watched as she faded out into the crowd of people; seeing her get squished between them, I proceed to go after her, just for her to vanish amongst the others. That girl better be careful with who she's hanging around with. She's too sensitive and vulnerable for this world I don't even know how she's going to survive this season.

'Hey!' Two minutes later, the owner of a feminine voice tapped on my back. I turned around to find a dark haired girl, taller than Sophie, but still short. 'What's your name?' She asks hands on her hips and seeming just as tired with this event as I was.

'Henry, what's yours?' 'Viya. Kaaviya.' She vaguely introduces herself. 'Fuck it I'm not going to lie to you. We're both sick of this aren't we.' She curses out audibly, I just stood there awkwardly with a perplexed expression on my face. 'Ok.' Stupidity took over me faster than Coach could. 'Whatever. Anyway. What sport do you play?' Kaaviya asks, boredom very recognisable in her voice.

'Hockey, you?' 'Women's hockey.' 'Cool.' I just realised that I had completely forgotten about Sophie and her whereabouts. 'Sorry, excuse me, I must go find a friend of mine.' I said excusing myself. She looked rejected for a fraction of a moment before shrugging and walking off as well.

It has been ten minutes since she left to get her water, she should be back by now. I walked up to the refreshment table, spotting Noah and Russell. 'Hey, have you guys seen Sophie?' I asked starting to get a bit concerned. 'No.' They reply in unison. 'Really? Because she was right here a few minutes ago.'

Russell's face dropped and Noah's went pale, and his gaze turned to Noah. 'Unless..' he dragged on, 'Unless what? Tell me.' My words were desperate and needy, but she was missing and he wasn't telling me everything. 'Me and Noah said some not so nice things about her a few minutes ago.' My heart rate sped up,

'What the fuck guys! She's my friend. I know you care about her too. And Russ that's just fucking low of you.' I fired back in disgust, why would they do that when Noah knows she's going through a rough patch? I looked into his eyes, the sheen of guilt more clear than ever. She was so kind and sweet to them, and to be honest I don't care about what they said, I care about where she is now and if she is okay.

'We need to find her and apologise. Now.'


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