Chapter Five: The Weight of Choices

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-Dan Feng's POV-

In the wake of his encounter with the enigmatic entity, Dan Feng found himself ensnared in a web of doubt and uncertainty. The entity's offer had left an indelible mark on his thoughts, and he couldn't escape the nagging feeling that his decision would shape the destiny of their universe.

Dan Feng had been educated about the Ambrosial Arbor's lore from a young age, and as he delved deeper into it, he uncovered the extent of its power and purpose. The Ambrosial Arbor was not just a source of cosmic energy; it held the key to altering the very fabric of their universe. Within its branches lay the potential to reshape the Transmutation Arcanum—a process by which the powers of the High Elder were passed down.

Dan Feng's heart ached with the knowledge that the Vidyadhara, their noble species, was on the brink of extinction. The Transmutation Arcanum, once the sacred tradition of their kind, had become a ritual confined to the few remaining Vidyadhara. The inability to replenish their population had cast a shadow of despair over their future.


The High Elder sat alone in the outskirts of Xianzhou Fanghu, a city where the Vidyadhara governed, supported by the Six Charioteers and Six Commissions. The Pearlkeepers aboard the Fanghu had essentially replaced the Cloud Knights. His mind burdened by the weight of an impossible choice. The scales of morality tipped precariously in the balance of his decision. On one side lay the potential for salvation—for Y/N, his dearest friend, and for the Vidyadhara, their noble species. On the other side loomed the abyss of sin, with consequences that would be borne by him alone.

His thoughts ravaged his mind like a poison, each moment of contemplation etching lines of uncertainty upon his noble features. His heart was heavy with the knowledge that his decision carried the gravest of consequences.

As Dan Feng pondered his decision, whispers brushed against the corners of his consciousness, like shadows stirring in the depths of his thoughts:

"Meet at Stargazer Navalia," one whispered, its voice hauntingly torturous.

Another voice joined in, barely a murmur. "Where destiny awaits."

And a third, equally enigmatic. "A brief encounter, a fateful choice."

The whispers, shrouded in mystery, left Dan Feng in a silence fraught with anticipation and unease.

-Xianzhou Luofu, Stargazer Navalia-

In the midst of his inner turmoil, Dan Feng found himself at Stargazer Navalia, where the "seed" of the ships was inserted into the Fallow Earth growth medium, allowing for germination and budding. It was also a place for Artisanship Commission craftsmen to relax in between their shifts.

There, amid the quietude of the place, he met the enigmatic entity once more. His figure composed, but hesitation still lingered in his eyes, mixed with desperation. The entity turned and looked at him, its faceless visage boring into the High Elder.

"Can you truly help me?" Dan Feng inquired, his voice trembling slightly.

The Pontiff's form shimmered like a mirage before finally taking shape. Its features remained inscrutable, hidden behind an otherworldly veil. It spoke in a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of the cosmos:

"The power I offer is both a boon and a burden, Dan Feng, Imbibitor Lunae. It can reshape destinies, but it demands a price."

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