Genesis Arc - Final Ch: Sword Champion Ceremony

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


The air in Xianzhou was charged with anticipation. Weeks had passed since Y/N and Jingliu confronted and overcame their internal struggles. Now, with their emotions steadied and their focus sharpened, they immersed themselves in solitary training with their respective swords, honing skills that had already earned them renown.

The city was abuzz with excitement. The upcoming duel between its two most esteemed warriors had attracted not only locals but tourists from afar, all eager to witness a spectacle rarely seen. The atmosphere was electric, a mix of tension and exhilaration.

Prominent figures had also arrived to witness the event. The Emanator of Nous, a distinguished member of the Genius Society, appeared with an air of spectral grandeur. His arrival was marked by the use of an advanced gadget, capable of teleporting him anywhere, given his vast knowledge.

Accompanying him was the society's irregular lady, as cheerful and sensual as ever. Her presence added a flair of unpredictability to the already thrilling air.

On the night before the ceremony, Y/N visited Jingliu in her room. He wore his skin-tight suit, accentuating his toned physique, which didn't escape Jingliu's notice. Each glance from her carried a hint of admiration, her pale cheeks dusted with a blush that spoke volumes.

The room was quiet, the air still, as Y/N initiated a conversation. "It's been weeks since we last talked," he said, his voice a soft whisper in the calm night.

Jingliu met his gaze, her response equally hushed. "Yes... it has been weeks."

Their exchange was gentle, a reflection of the depth of their understanding and the mutual respect they held for each other.

Y/N eventually stood, breaking the momentary stillness. "Well... I'll see you tomorrow then." His goodnight was simple, yet laden with unspoken sentiments.

"Goodnight..." Jingliu replied. But as he neared the door, she called out, halting him. "Y/N!"

He paused, turning towards her, an unspoken question in his eyes.

She took a moment before speaking, her words laced with a hopeful undertone. "After our... fight, can we perhaps... go out together?"

Y/N studied her for a moment, his expression thoughtful. Then, a smile graced his features, a gesture of understanding and warmth. "Like a date? Of course, we always have time for that."

Jingliu's smile mirrored his, her eyes lighting up with a twinkle that made her even more captivating. "Thank you... now, shoo!" she playfully waved her hands, as if to usher him out.

His laughter filled the room, a sound that was both comforting and heartening. "Hahahaha! Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself," he teased.

With a final smile, Y/N left Jingliu's room. Each retreated to their own space, their minds undoubtedly filled with thoughts of the coming day. As they settled into their beds, the night embraced them, a silent guardian watching over the eve of a duel that would showcase their prowess to all of Xianzhou.


The long-awaited day dawned over Xianzhou, casting its vibrant energy across the city. The streets were swarmed with excitement, businesses thriving as they catered to the influx of spectators. The air was electric, anticipation palpable in every corner of the city. Cloud Knights stood guard, their presence a testament to the significance of the day, while Flagships hovered above, symbols of the city's might and prosperity.

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