Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword

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Y/N sat alone in the tranquil husk of night, surrounded by the serene beauty of the woods. The crackling fireplace he had set up cast a warm, peaceful glow, its gentle sizzles and pops harmonizing with the nocturnal symphony of the forest.

Eight years had passed since he first met Ying Xing, the boy who had grown into a master artisan, surpassing even Huaiyan, the revered craftsman of Zhuming. Ying Xing's skill in weapon forging had significantly bolstered the Cloud Knights' arsenal, earning him admiration from many, including Y/N and Jingliu.

Y/N chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the woods. He vividly remembered the day Jingliu tested a sword forged by Ying Xing. While she found it slightly lacking, her compliment and challenge for a sword worthy of a 'Sword Champion' had sparked a new fire in Ying Xing's eyes – a determination to excel further.

As the firelight danced on his face, Y/N's thoughts drifted to Baiheng's relationship with Ying Xing. Over the years, their bond had blossomed, resembling that of siblings, with Baiheng taking on the role of an encouraging and protective older sister, while Ying Xing looked up to her with genuine respect and affection.

Then there was Jing Yuan. Y/N mused over their unique relationship – a blend of friendship and rivalry that often bordered on playful hostility. Their interactions were a constant source of amusement and bewilderment for Y/N. He decided to leave their dynamic in Baiheng's capable hands; he and Jingliu had more pressing concerns to focus on.

Y/N's smile faded as his thoughts turned to his current, self-assigned mission. It was a task he had undertaken alone, without informing anyone, not even Jingliu. Lan had relayed information about Shuhu's proximity, compelling Y/N to venture into these woods, seeking information and waiting in ambush.

Lost in his thoughts, Y/N hardly noticed the fire dying down, its light dimming until it was snuffed out completely. The sudden darkness heightened his senses, and he became acutely aware of his surroundings.

In the quiet of the night, a pair of glowing green eyes appeared in the darkness, radiating malicious intent. Y/N tensed, his calm demeanor giving way to alertness. The peaceful night in the woods had taken an ominous turn, and Y/N knew he needed to be prepared for whatever lurked in the shadows.

Silently, he reached for his weapon, his eyes fixed on the glowing green orbs. The tranquility of the forest was now overshadowed by the threat of danger, and Y/N braced himself for what was to come. The night, once serene, now held a palpable tension, as if the very air was charged with anticipation.


Jingliu awoke with a sense of unease, a frown creasing her usually serene face. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Something felt amiss, a feeling she couldn't quite place. With a deep breath, she rose from her bed, her movements deliberate and swift.

Stepping out of her room, she made her way to Y/N's door. Her hand hesitated for a moment before she knocked, expecting a response. Silence greeted her. "Must be asleep..." she whispered to herself, knocking again. Yet, the silence persisted, amplifying her growing concern.

Her instincts now fully alert, Jingliu twisted the doorknob, finding it unlocked. She stepped inside, her voice slightly anxious. "Y/N?"

The room was a reflection of Y/N's organized mind – chairs perfectly aligned, bed impeccably made, and a mini-library with books neatly arranged. Everything was in its place, almost untouched.

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