Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson

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In moments that would usually seem beyond the realm of possibility, Jingliu found herself in the midst of an experience that defied all expectations. Meeting an Aeon, particularly Terminus, the Aeon of Finality, was something she could never have anticipated, a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that left her grappling with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

They congregated in Yara's hideout, a place marked by the presence of dangerous concoctions and life-threatening experiments. Seris lay on a bed, her rest peaceful yet borne out of necessity. The severance of her connection with Oedon had taxed her significantly, necessitating a period of rest to mend the tattered links between her mind and soul.

Yara, immersed in her usual state of organized chaos, was surrounded by scattered notes. Jingliu observed from a distance, her posture relaxed against the wall, contemplating the surrealness of their current company.

Terminus sat with an elegance befitting a being of her stature, her manners impeccable as she enjoyed a cup of tea prepared by Yara. "Mmm, this is a nice brew you made, Yara," Terminus complimented, eliciting a blush from the usually composed doctor. Jingliu, witnessing Yara's uncharacteristic bashfulness, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Thank you, my lady. It's a specialty of mine that I always make when I need to relax," Yara responded, her hands fidgeting, betraying her nervousness despite the graciousness of her words.

Terminus, touching on the subject of etiquette, mused, "Humu! Though, if we adhere to customary practices, it is most common to reciprocate such a remark, no? The courtesy of compliments should be graciously acknowledged when the offering is appreciated."

She continued, lamenting the current state of interpersonal relations, "Nowadays, people do not extend words of gratitude towards their peers—be they traders, allies, or even foes. It seems as if the world has regressed, with many lacking basic courtesy."

Addressing Jingliu directly, Terminus posed a thought-provoking question, "Do you not agree, Nighthilt Sovereign? Perhaps a reset of the world is in order, instilling such behavior as instinctual in the rebirth."

Jingliu, taken aback by the Aeon's deadly yet serene tone, chose her words carefully. "First of all, you can always call me by my name."

Terminus, setting her cup aside, replied with a playful chuckle, "Hehe~ It is a habit of mine to address others by their title, especially one that I have bestowed."

Jingliu concurred with the importance of expressing gratitude, sharing a lesson from her youth. "My mother taught me to cherish rewards with sincerity, believing that a heartfelt thanks can strengthen bonds."

The Aeon smiled at Jingliu's insight, yet pointed out a nuance Jingliu had missed. "Education often teaches us that gratitude and other reflective behaviors are fundamental. However, there are those who, despite being thankful, struggle to express it or even recognize it as such."

Puzzled by the shift in conversation, Jingliu inquired about the relevance of their discussion on gratitude.

Terminus' smile broadened, revealing her true motive. "Why, of course. I wish for you to express your gratitude towards me. You have, after all, received a portion of my power."

Caught off guard, Jingliu realized the Aeon sought acknowledgment. With a sigh, she acquiesced, offering a bow of deep respect. "It is my honor, to express my gratitude towards such an esteemed being as you. Thank you."

Terminus, delighted by the gesture, clapped her hands with a laugh. "Hahahaha! Ahh, no matter how many times I witness it, it never fails to bring me joy. I am pleased with you, Jingliu."

Straightening up, Jingliu felt a sense of relief, her actions not only lightening the mood but also lifting an invisible burden from her shoulders.

"Now then," Terminus declared, clapping her hands together with such force that the vibrations seemed to momentarily alter the fabric of reality itself.

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