Genesis Arc - Ch. Twelve: The forging of a Swordsman

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


Eighty years had seamlessly woven into the fabric of Xianzhou Luofu, yet Y/N and Jingliu, as guardians, remained untouched by time's passage. Their stories and triumphs were not just history but living legends, inspiring those who walked the city's ancient yet ever-evolving streets.

Standing on a balcony, gazing over the city bathed in the golden hues of dawn, Y/N's posture held a new gravity, a reflection of battles won and burdens borne.

"Sometimes, I can hardly believe this is the same city we started protecting all those years ago," Y/N mused, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and an underlying somberness.

Jingliu, standing beside him, her gaze taking in the sprawling city below, nodded. "It's grown, just like our roles in it," she replied. "From guardians to symbols... do you ever feel it's too much?"

A junior guard approached, his movements respectful yet hesitant. "Commanders, the council is ready for you."

As they walked to the council chamber, the weight of their titles seemed to hang visibly between them. Inside, the chamber was abuzz, but the room quieted as they entered. Here, they were more than warriors; they were strategic minds shaping the city's future.

Y/N spoke with a thoughtful seriousness, his focus always a step ahead, a general and a protector considering every angle for the safety of Xianzhou Luofu. Jingliu, her keen eyes observing Y/N, noticed the creases of concern on his brow deepening.

After the meeting, in the quieter halls of the council building, away from prying eyes and ears, Jingliu halted, her gaze locking onto Y/N with an intensity born of decades of camaraderie and battles shared.

"Y/N, talk to me," she urged softly, her concern palpable. "I've seen you shoulder the weight of the world before, but this... this seems different. It's like you're fighting shadows only you can see."

Y/N paused, the stoic mask he wore as a commander momentarily slipping. He looked at Jingliu, seeing not just a fellow warrior but a confidante who had been his steadfast anchor through countless storms.

"It's these dreams, Jingliu," he admitted, his voice a quiet rumble. "Visions of battles, whispers of prophecies, and the Flint Emperor... It's like pieces of a puzzle that I can't quite fit together."

Jingliu's expression softened, her usual fiery demeanor giving way to empathy. "Dreams can be a heavy burden, especially for those who've seen as much as we have. But you're not alone in this, Y/N. You never have been."

Y/N leaned back against the cool stone wall, the weight of years momentarily bowing his shoulders. "I know," he sighed. "It's just... these dreams, they feel like warnings, or maybe even a calling. And then there's the Emanator of Nous and his cryptic messages. I can't help but feel there's a bigger game at play, and we're in the center of it."

Jingliu moved closer, her presence a silent show of solidarity. "We've faced down armies, Y/N, outsmarted strategists, and walked through fire. Whatever this game is, we'll face it as we always do — together."

Y/N's eyes met hers, a storm of thoughts and emotions swirling within. "Jingliu, I..." He hesitated, struggling to articulate the turmoil within. "I just don't want my battles to become yours."

Jingliu reached out, placing a hand on his arm. "Your battles are my battles, Y/N. We've been in this together since day one. Whatever comes, we'll face it side by side. You don't have to carry this alone."

For a moment, the walls Y/N had built around himself seemed to crumble, revealing the man behind the legend. "Thank you, Jingliu," he said, his voice thick with unspoken gratitude. "For always being there, even when I try to push you away."

Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora