Chapter Thirty: Crystalline Reverie

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Amidst a cold, stark wasteland, the knight darted through an eerie tableau of fallen extraterrestrial monsters. These eldritch creatures, unrecognizable and absent from the records of his homeland, lay scattered in grotesque repose, but he barely registered their presence. Speed and haste marked his every step, his armor clanking loudly against the eerie silence, his greatsword gripped firmly in hand.

His heart pounded not from exertion, but anxiety. Jingliu, his steadfast friend, had gone silent. Moments before, he had shouted her name, desperately seeking her coordinates through their communication device. But now, only maddening silence replied.

As he broke into the heart of the battlefield, the chilling sight before him brought the world into sharp, terrifying focus. Jingliu, the pale-haired warrior, was ensnared by the monstrous tendrils of these creatures. They seemed to revel in their capture, their grotesque appendages slithering over her, tearing her blue armored dress and revealing grievous wounds. The very sight, a tableau of horror and violation, ignited a fire of fury deep within the knight.

Whispers from the shadows filled his ears, dark and seductive. Kill them... slaughter them all. Let go of everything... LET GO!

The knight's vision narrowed, consumed by an engulfing blackness. His greatsword emanated a palpable miasma of darkness. Black sludge swirled around the blade, appearing as though it might corrode the metal, yet the blade remained unharmed, with the darkness dancing fervently upon it.

With a battle cry, he charged. Each brutal swing of his greatsword not only severed tendrils but also scarred the very land upon which he stood. Deep fissures opened in the ground, marking the intensity and fury of his combat. Tendrils were severed with each swing, releasing Jingliu bit by bit, the creatures emitting agonized shrieks. His every strike sent tremors through Xianzhou, his homeland now echoing his raw, unchecked wrath.

But then, amidst the carnage, he caught a glimpse of something... a fleeting vision, an omen, perhaps? Just as it was about to become clear, the scene shattered.


The knight gasped, jolting upright from his slumber.

A torrent of emotions raged within him, the fury from his dream – or was it a memory? – now mingling with the disorientation of waking. The sharpness of his anger jarred with the haze of confusion, the edges of the past feeling blurred and out of reach. The vivid scenes that had played out in his mind, with the swordswoman ensnared and the eldritch creatures surrounding them, felt so piercingly real. And yet, why couldn't he place it in the mosaic of his known past?

The luxurious surroundings of the suite responded to his inner turmoil. Everything, from the ornate tapestries to the plush velvet drapes, quivered in resonance with his tumultuous emotions. The world had honored him with such opulence due to his association with Ena, but it felt constricting, almost mocking, in the face of his growing frustration and sense of loss.

He walked towards the window, the sprawling cityscape offering a brief distraction. But the heartbeat of the metropolis, usually comforting, now only served to amplify the erratic drumming in his own chest – a rhythm of broken memories and unbridled anger.

His feet took him to the walk-in closet. Conjuring garments from the ethereal cosmos within, an action that usually brought solace, now seemed to exacerbate his feelings of displacement. The act of selecting an outfit, however, offered a momentary focus. As he dressed in attire that represented both his warrior spirit and statesman's grace, he grappled with the enigmatic visions that continued to plague him.

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