Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lost Child

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Jingliu's gaze was fixed on the little girl before her, whose mere presence exuded an overwhelming sense of power. Adabas, with her red robes billowing softly and her blue hair gently cascading, regarded Jingliu with an intense, unyielding stare.

"You seem confused, child," Adabas noted, her voice soft and devoid of any ill intent, yet it did little to soothe the unease within Jingliu.

"Perhaps you are intimidated by me? Do not worry, my presence has always been... suffocating to individuals such as yourself," Adabas continued, a subtle hint of pride lacing her words. The ruby petals that filled the air began to draw nearer to her, blending seamlessly with her robes as if they were an extension of her being.

As the petals swirled closer, Jingliu found herself gasping for breath, her knees buckling under the invisible weight of Adabas's aura. Kneeling down, she struggled against the crushing pressure.

Adabas watched with a smile, her giggle echoing through the air like a chime, innocent yet haunting in its melody.

"Sister, it's a bad habit to greet newcomers with your antics," Holos, the star-studded giant, chided gently, his tone betraying no surprise at his sister's display.

"It is of utmost pleasure, for one such as myself—and for all of you. How long has it been since we've last interacted with the outside world?" Adabas mused, her finger thoughtfully touching her lips.

Pluto, ever the eccentric, chimed in, "Err... around 1121 years?" Her voice carried a note of uncertainty, as though the passage of time held little significance in this realm.

"A millennium, then," Adabas concluded, her eyes still closed in contemplation.

Holos sighed, turning his attention to Jingliu, who was still catching her breath. "Nighthilt Sovereign, here," he offered, extending a hand of glowing constellations towards her.

Gratefully, Jingliu took his immense hand, finding her footing once more. "Thank you, Holos," she managed, her voice raspy but heartfelt.

"Hmm, no problem. Though, if this is your reaction to my sister, you'll be in for a real treat meeting our other siblings," Holos remarked playfully, though his words carried a veiled caution.

Jingliu nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of what other beings she might encounter. "I was just... surprised. I didn't expect such powerful individuals. This realm is full of mysteries," she admitted, reflecting on her experiences since her arrival.

Pluto, eager to lift Jingliu's spirits, interjected, "Our siblings won't be hostile, although some can be... peculiar—hey!" Her reassurance was cut short by a playful rebuke from Holos.

Adabas then hummed, drawing the attention back to her. "I believe it is time we leave to meet with the others. Shall we go?"

With nods of agreement, Holos and Pluto positioned themselves beside their sister. Jingliu, still hesitant, confirmed her earlier understanding, "Yes... you mentioned training me?"

"In one way or another, yes. But there's more to it than just 'training,'" Adabas revealed, her gentle smile reappearing. "Come, get closer to me, everyone."

As they gathered around Adabas, her robes emitted a radiant glow, and the ruby petals began to encase them in a protective cocoon. Jingliu, startled yet filled with a burgeoning curiosity, prepared herself for the journey ahead.

"Let us go, meet them," Adabas announced, and with a flash of light and a flurry of petals, they were whisked away to a destination unknown, leaving the tranquil forest behind.

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