Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Three: Reflections in Luofu

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


In the stillness of the night, the Knight, Y/N, found himself ensnared in a dream, a vivid tapestry of memories and echoes of battles past. He stood amidst the devastation wrought by two titanic beings, a serpent and a dragon, their clash having left a landscape of ruin and despair.

As Y/N surveyed the chaos around him, he noticed the faces of the deceased, their expressions frozen in time, scattered amidst the ruins. Clad in full armor, his trusty greatsword in hand, he felt a wave of disorientation wash over him. "I am... back?" he murmured to himself, his voice barely more than a whisper.

The air was charged with tension, a sense of impending doom lingering like a thick fog. Suddenly, a resounding boom shattered the eerie silence. Y/N's head snapped towards the source of the disturbance. There, amidst the turmoil, stood a robed man wielding a greatsword, his weapon crackling with arcs of lightning that struck the serpent's scales. The serpent roared in pain and fury, its cry reverberating through the desolate battlefield.

"Master...?" Y/N's voice trailed off, a mix of recognition and disbelief in his tone. The figure in the distance, engaged in a ferocious battle against the titans, bore a striking resemblance to his own mentor.

But as quickly as the dream had enveloped him, it dissipated, and Y/N awoke with a start. His heart raced as he found himself back in the familiarity of his room, the darkness of the night enveloping him like a comforting shroud. Yet, the echoes of the dream lingered, leaving him deeply confused and introspective.

"That wasn't my memory..." he pondered aloud, his mind racing to make sense of the vivid images that had invaded his sleep. The dream felt real, yet it was a scene he had never witnessed, a battle he had never fought. The haunting images of the dream, the clash of the titans, and the presence of a figure resembling his master stirred a sense of unease within him.

Y/N lay back, staring into the darkness, his thoughts adrift in the sea of uncertainty.


The first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, painting the room in a soft glow, yet it did little to alleviate the restlessness that had taken hold of Y/N. Standing at the edge of his bed, he rubbed his forehead, a gesture born more out of confusion than pain. Despite the lack of physical discomfort, his mind was weighed down by an inexplicable heaviness, as if the echoes of his unsettling dream still lingered.

Y/N pushed himself off the bed, his movements reflecting a determination to shake off the remnants of the night. As he walked out of his room, the silent corridor seemed to echo his solitary thoughts. Passing by Jingliu's door, he noticed it slightly ajar. Curiosity nudging him, he peered through the gap.

Inside, Jingliu lay peacefully under her sheets, a serene expression on her face as she slept. Witnessing this, a gentle smile touched Y/N's lips. "At least she seems to be doing better than I am now," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mix of relief and mild envy.

With a careful touch, he closed the door, ensuring no sound disturbed Jingliu's rest. He then continued his descent downstairs, each step taking him further away from the silent corridor and closer to the day's activities.

Upon entering the kitchen, Y/N headed straight for the jug of water, his thirst a physical manifestation of the night's unrest. He chugged the water, feeling the cool liquid cascade down his throat, refreshing and invigorating him. After satisfying his thirst, he wiped his mouth, a sense of normalcy slowly returning.

"Well, let's go back to more training," he muttered to himself, his tone resolute. The day ahead was clear in his mind - a day dedicated to honing his skills, to training, to seeking answers through the discipline of his craft.

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