Genesis Arc - Ch. Nineteen: Gratitude

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Be sure to read Genesis Arc - Ch. Eighteen: Aeon vs Shadow, before reading this chapter. Thank you.


In the realm of shadowy nothingness, Y/N and Jingliu found themselves adrift, their senses enveloped by an eerie calm. A voice, or rather, voices – one masculine, one feminine, interwoven yet distinct – broke the silence.

"Memory? Check," the voices chimed in unison, their tone gentle yet authoritative. "The ever-present King and Queen, both of your memories are a mess. Here, we will reform them for you."

The voices, harmonious yet individual, created a sense of ambiguity. It was impossible to tell whether they were one entity or two separate beings speaking as one.

"It is a given, after all, you two are experiencing and sharing each other's memories. Watching both perspectives," the voices continued, their words echoing in the void.

Y/N and Jingliu, enveloped in darkness, felt an odd sense of companionship, yet they couldn't determine if the other was truly there beside them. Their minds grappled with the reality of shared memories, an experience both intimate and disorienting.

"Sigh... it's alright, the memory trip is almost over," the feminine voice reassured, now more prominent, a soothing presence in the engulfing darkness.

"Hey! Fuli said I can mess with them. Let me just add more memories!" The masculine voice interjected, its tone playful and snarky.

"Shut it! You will not insert your pranks into their journey of love!" The woman's voice countered, taking on a dramatic, almost theatrical tone.

"Love!? I ought to bring balance by bringing in tragedy, witch!" The man retorted, the sound of crossed arms audible in his tone.

The woman clicked her tongue but chose to ignore the man's protest. Y/N and Jingliu, though unable to see, felt the intensity of her gaze, a forceful presence even in the absence of physical form.

"O'Sun and Moon, do not hate yourselves. Accept the feelings within you. The both of you are meant to be together. Please... do not lose yourselves to sadness, do not lose yourselves to humiliation..." Her voice trailed off, laden with emotion.

"I fear that we will reveal too much if we continue this," the man's voice added pragmatically. "They'll be pulled out of the realm and continue on in the present."

"Present?" Y/N and Jingliu thought simultaneously, their confusion growing.

"You are right. Well... we shall bring them back to the past," the woman conceded.

"You should word that better. Bring them to their checkpoint, yes? From where the King fought Lan in his godly state," the man suggested, his tone light.

"Ah, yes. I apologize for that," the woman replied, her voice reflecting gratitude.

"Hmm! I feel that we're dragging this even further..." the man hummed, a hint of impatience creeping into his voice.

"Yes... well then. Y/N and Jingliu, continue on your trip to the past. Remember our words!" the woman's voice commanded, her tone imbued with a sense of finality.

As the scene shifted, Y/N and Jingliu felt a sudden pull, a sensation like being swept along a rapid current. The void around them began to dissolve, replaced by fragments of memories, scenes from their past blurring into one another. The voices faded, leaving them with a lingering sense of guidance.

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