Chapter Twenty-Six: Aftermath and Resolve

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The aftermath of Shuhu's invasion was palpable. Buildings in Xianzhou Yuque bore physical scars, but the most profound impact was in the desolate eyes of its citizens. Yet, in this city draped in mourning, sparks of resilience and hope stubbornly persisted.

Children, usually the symbols of joy and vitality, quietly laid flowers at a makeshift memorial. Nearby, an elderly woman reminisced, "In my youth, tales of the undead dragon seemed nothing but fables to scare us at night." A bandaged soldier sighed, "We were ill-prepared for its terrifying reality, but our spirit remains unbroken."

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of gold and orange, the once-vibrant markets became venues for reflection and whispers about the future. At a corner, two old friends deep in a game of WeiQi (It is also known as "Go": a strategic board game where two players take turns placing black and white stones on a grid, aiming to capture territory and surround the opponent's pieces) often paused their moves to ponder the legends. "Could the Starscourge truly emerge in our darkest hour?" one mused. The other, looking up, added, "Legends often rise from kernels of hope. Now, more than ever, we cling to such hopes."

The taverns too, were abuzz with hushed discussions, particularly about Jingliu's unmatched resolve. "Despite her losses, she trains with an unmatched fervor," a patron shared, nursing his drink. A fellow drinker responded, "They say adversity forges the strongest steel. Jingliu is becoming a beacon of that strength."

As darkness settled, Xianzhou Luofu began to prepare for the Moon Festival, a beacon in these trying times. Streets adorned with lanterns became arteries of hope, pulsing with the city's resilient spirit. Grandmothers spun tales of past heroes to eager listeners. "Remember the Starscourge, who rose when all seemed lost?" one recounted. A child's voice, filled with innocence and hope, chimed in, "Could they return to guide us now?" She smiled, replying, "Perhaps they're closer than we think."

Near the tranquil lake, amidst the glow of floating lanterns, a young couple sought solace. "Even amidst our trials, beauty endures," she whispered. Drawing her closer, he affirmed, "The brightest stars emerge in the darkest nights. Xianzhou Luofu will find its light again."


The vast assembly hall of Xianzhou Luofu's Headquarters, typically resonating with strategic discussions, had fallen into a tense hush. Centered in the grand room, illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent ornaments, stood General Jinhua. She wasn't as imposing as before. Her left side, previously a symbol of unmatched martial prowess, now bore the unmistakable absence of an arm.

"I come before you, council members and esteemed citizens of Xianzhou, with a heavy heart," Jinhua began, her voice laced with both firmness and vulnerability. "My inability to wield my sword and practice my martial arts renders me incapable of leading as The Marshal of Cloud Knights."

A cacophony of disapproval erupted, the echo bouncing off the ornate walls. The council members exchanged worried glances, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"General Jinhua, you've been the bulwark against our enemies for decades," one council member exclaimed. "Your leadership is unparalleled!"

Jinhua raised her remaining hand to silence the chamber. "I am deeply honored by your trust. But I've always believed that leadership isn't just about physical prowess. It's about knowing when to step aside for the greater good." She took a deep breath. "And I have found a worthy successor—my sister, Hua."

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