Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters

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In the heart of Ena's realm, amidst the luminous splendor of the celestial city, Y/N found himself engulfed in a state of perplexity. The city's radiant glow enveloped him, yet it did little to illuminate the confusion clouding his thoughts.

"Why this confusion?" he pondered. The root of his unease lay in the labyrinth of his memories. They seemed fragmented, incomplete, leaving gaps in what should have been a continuous thread of recollection. The journey through the memories, shared with Jingliu, had come to an abrupt halt, severing the links to critical events leading up to his current predicament.

"It's all too strange. I should remember everything, but it feels as if pieces are missing," he mused aloud while navigating the shimmering pathways of the city. His presence seemed incongruous amidst the celestial grandeur, a man grappling with the intangible nature of his own past.

Pausing in front of a reflective surface of a building, he examined his reflection. His appearance had undergone a transformation – his hair was now jet black, contrasting starkly with his eyes, an intriguing blend of black and purple. "I look different," he observed, a sense of unfamiliarity accompanying the change. While the alteration was not of his own volition, he found a certain appeal in his new appearance.

"And I also act differently," he continued, introspecting the profound impact of the merging of his past and present selves. This fusion had refined him, bestowing upon him a maturity that he sensed was new. His demeanor, once shaped by a singular past, now bore the complexities of his recent experiences.

Yet, despite this transformation, his memories remained a tangled web, a disarray that he struggled to comprehend. "But why am I truly here, in this state?" he questioned, his gaze narrowing as the black-purple glow in his eyes intensified.

Shaking off the uncertainty, Y/N focused on a resolution. "I should meet with Ena," he decided, acknowledging the Aeon as a figure of guidance, almost parental in its significance to him.

With a sense of purpose, he summoned the Abyssal Gate. A portal of swirling black miasma materialized beside him, an ethereal gateway beckoning him to step through. With a determined stride, he entered the portal, which vanished into the ether as soon as he crossed its threshold, leaving the celestial city once again serene and untouched by his turmoil.


Within the boundless expanse where Ena resided, a realm pulsating with life and scattered with stars, Y/N emerged from his portal. The gateway vanished as soon as he stepped into this familiar yet distant space. He paused, taking in the celestial beauty around him, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. The time that had elapsed in his world of memories made his return to this realm feel like a journey spanning eons.

Surveying the majestic stars nearby, Y/N harnessed his telekinetic abilities, commanding the stars to orbit in a harmonious symphony. It was a gesture reminiscent of his first visit to this wondrous place. The stars swirled around him, and from their luminous dance, emerged small beings of pure light, resembling joyful children.

"Lord Y/N! Lord Y/N! You have come!" The children's voices chimed with excitement as they circled him. Y/N's smile broadened, a sense of warmth kindled by their enthusiastic welcome.

"Little ones, can you guide me to Ena?" Y/N asked gently, kneeling to pat one of the children on its light-formed head.

With eager nods, the children responded in unison, "Come and follow us!" They darted off, their light forms darting through space with Y/N in pursuit, his boots silent in the cosmic expanse.

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