Genesis Arc - Ch. Twenty-Two: Pathways of Mastery

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


The stark walls of Zhuming echoed with the steady rhythm of a craftsman at work. This place, a haven for Artisans and their craft, was where Y/N found himself today, driven by a need that felt both urgent and embarrassing. He was here to retrieve his greatsword, a companion he had neglected for far too long. The reason? A month-long coma and subsequent months of neglect in sword training had led to an unfortunate lapse in memory about his trusted blade.

The thought of visiting Ying Xing, the Artisan he had punched into oblivion, weighed heavily on Y/N. He felt a pang of guilt at the memory – after all, Ying Xing, being more human in biology, was prone to more damage.

So, there he stood, in the heart of Ying Xing's domain – the forge. The Artisan was immersed in his work, his dark blue hair falling over his face as he hammered magic into his next creation. Y/N observed in silence, debating whether Ying Xing was intentionally ignoring him or simply too engrossed in his work to notice his presence.

Finally, seeking to break the awkward silence, Y/N greeted, "Hello, Ying Xing."

Ying Xing paused, turning his head just enough to acknowledge Y/N with a glance. A silent understanding passed between them – Ying Xing knew he had inadvertently put Y/N in the spotlight for the upcoming ceremony.

"Good day to you too," Ying Xing replied blandly, his voice devoid of its usual vibrancy. He turned fully, his bandaged body facing Y/N as he carefully set aside his tools.

Y/N uncrossed his arms and took a seat nearby, feeling the melancholy in the air. "First of all, I'm sorry for... this," he gestured towards Ying Xing's injuries.

Ying Xing shook his head, dismissing the apology. "No, I must apologize too. I... was too excited about the idea of you and General Jingliu in the Sword Champion ceremony."

Since the announcement of their battle, anticipation had grown not only among Xianzhou's natives but also outsiders. Everyone was eager to witness the might of Xianzhou's strongest.

Y/N offered a flat smile. "Well, now that we're even. May I know where my greatsword is? It seems I've forgotten it for quite some time."

"It's in the vault," Ying Xing responded, his expression curious.

"The vault? Why there?" Y/N asked, puzzled, his hand instinctively going to his chin.

Ying Xing stood up, a hint of unease in his movements. "Follow me."

Without questioning further, Y/N followed Ying Xing to a seemingly ordinary wooden door. As Ying Xing opened it, runes lit up, revealing the illusion behind the simple facade.

A rush of foreign aura emanated from the opened door, making Ying Xing shiver from the negative energy. Y/N, however, felt an unexpected sense of calm – the state Dan Feng had referred to.

The room was barren, with dust-covered objects lining the sides, but at the end stood his greatsword. Y/N approached it, feeling a rightness he couldn't quite articulate. He gripped the hilt and drew the blade, its sound slicing through the still air.

A smile crept onto his face as he turned to Ying Xing, who still seemed uncomfortable with the aura. "Thank you for taking care of my weapon, Ying Xing," Y/N said, his gratitude genuine.

Ying Xing, still a bit shaky but managing a soft smile, replied, "I look forward to the fight."

Y/N swung his blade lightly, clearing the air in the room and creating a small hurricane within. "I, too," he said, his voice carrying a newfound determination.

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