°Coin Guessing°

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Her murmuring was filled with hatred, she looked at each of them, her dangling earrings moving with each of her movements.

Nahida quickly spotted the young girl beside her, the purple kimono matched with the woman's outfit.

"Anyhow, I'm here to tell you Kils words."

The girl stared at Nahida, their eyes meeting while the madam spoke. Her tone slow, gentle and loving.

"'I'm happy you all came here, but I'm sorry. I can't meet you right now.' That's what Kil says, so sadly- You can't meet him."

Gon stared right at the... Eye accessory she had, at the singluar red dot.

"We're not leaving without Killua."

"Too bad, Kil is being taught a lesson right now and-"

The red dot suddenly started flashing. She gasped, and roared at nothing.

"Father! What do you think you're doing!? Kil just came back! He was starting to behave-!"

Her tight grip managed to snap her folding fan into two.

"You two never involve me in anything! He just came back!! Father!!"

And suddenly, she deflated. Her shoulders slumping as her head stared down at the floor. She grabbed her dress, turned around and started running back to the mansion.

"Come, Kalluto!"

Her body turned to face her mother, but she kept staring at Nahida. Her own gaze being met right back.


"Coming, mother."

Kalluto kept her eyes on Nahida until she ran inside the forest after her mother. The other didn't try to chase after them, deciding to focus on the injured butler.

Wanderer placed Nahida beside Leorio, watching him sigh in relief at seeing the butler was simply unconscious. She squatted down beside him, looking over Canary and the small amount of blood trailing down her forehead.

"How is she?"

Leorio sighed, and plopped his briefcase on the floor, before opening it.

"She's fine, the bullet didn't enter her skull. Surprisingly."

She looked at the injury while Leorio bandaged it up. While she didn't know much about the weapon used, the noise alone was enough for her to know how strong it was. A human skull wouldn't be able to survive. So how did she live, and only receive a deep cut? Maybe, a protective barrier?

If so, it must be nen. Canary used it before the gun hit her, and protected her skull with nen. In that case, the strong cards Hisoka used must be covered in nen as well? Maybe even Neteros leg, and it's sturdiness was caused by this power.

Nahida thought of this while Canary got up. Holding her head while speaking.

"I'm fine, I can take you to the butlers headquarters. From the looks of it, young master Killua must be on his way."

Gon straightened up at the last sentence.

"Really? Killua is coming?"

His slowly, widening smile managed to make Canary nod, with a smile of her own.

"Yes, it's not far from here so-"

Leorio watched her stand up, almost catching her as she stumbled. But the butler stood firmly on her own after that. She led them further into the woods, but not in the same direction the madam had ran off to.

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz