Episode 7

998 58 4



Rudra had worn a causal wear. In a grey tank top and black sweatpants, he was resting in a plush lounge chair on the balcony. He had a disappointed frown on his lips, not even the golden evening of Sunday could uplift his mood.

Every question that echoed in his mind was beginning with a why? Why Bhavani Agrawal & not anybody else? Why did his fear unsettle him more than his own predicament? Why did he want to be closer to him? Why did he want to apologise for his shitty attitude back there?

But Rudra should stay away from feelings, shouldn't he? He had an empire of multi-billion where emotions were only a hindrance.

Yet he was urging himself to break his own rules..


His phone ringed. Annoyed, he fished out his personal phone from under the countless magazines on glass table. He picked it up as the gentle breeze hit him. When the caller ID registered in his brain, he whipped around to glare accusingly at Prithvi. The said perpetrator's ally was busy munching on chips in the living room, shyly smiling at intense glare.

At last Rudra had to attend the call.

"Hey mum."

"Abhinav told me you've been off."

He deflated in defeat. His baby brother was such a snitch.

"Nothing ma." He leaned back, rubbing his eyes. "Work stress."

"Who're you lying to my son? You or me?"


"It's nothing. That rodent wants to get back at me for wining the game last time."

"Bhaiya's lying! I'd won the game by defeating his bishop!" The muffling increased and when Prithvi stood by his side, Rudra put the phone on speaker.


"Prithvi, is your bhaiya limiting your cases?"

Prithvi pleadingly turned to Rudra who smirked. Guess the older had ways to toe these brats to line. Underestimating Rudradev Rathore was a grave mistake for everyone, including his siblings.

"It depends mom. He did an overtime—"

"—Which was a child's case. The girl was merely five!" Prithvi rushed in.

Rudra rolled his eyes. "And Abhi—"

"Bhaiya's assuring I did nothing. Why would your lovey chubby boy do harm?" There was a pause on the line. "See, bhaiya believes it. He himself has been stressed because of work & nothing more. I was just messing."

This was that insane thug moment for Rudra where he wanted to lift a collar in gangster style. Unfortunately it would make him lose his grim authority over these kids.

"Enough with three of you. Rudra, I believe you'll share your problem eventually. Prithvi my last warning for you. Don't jeopardize your health. If I get one more complaint regarding this, you'll be here under our wing, in Jaipur taking cases. And Abhi, you skipped your medications again, didn't you?"

There was ruffling, and the call hung up. It was probably Abhi running away with the phone in hopes it would set the she-devil off his tail. Unfortunately a rajput woman wouldn't spare her son. The talk would be held soon.

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