Episode 20

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Moon rays pierced through slits of creepy forest canopy. The faded burbling of waterfall added to melancholia.

Rudra focused on two silhouettes across him. One was Bhavani and other was a tall mighty man in plaid dhoti. Royal ornaments decorated him. The left gold earring was uncannily familiar to Rudra.

"Is it n-necessary?" Her voice was meek. Strong hands desperately clutched onto buffed up shoulders, almost to shake them up. "Please, stay. What if, what if—"

The man pulled her against him, placing a chaste kiss on her wobbly lips. Tears freely streamed down her rosy cheeks.

"Your right on this body exceeds my own...but my kshatriya dharma is calling me beloved. I can't abandon my motherland, I can't let my wife and children suffer in the consequences birthed by my pride. I've to go," He gently explained, "I have to go Bhavani. Be the wife of a warrior and let me go."

She stepped back, trembling. "Don't die twice." Her eyes darted to opaque hill line in the distance before gazing at him. "Not every time you'll find me to save you," It was a frail whisper.

The man straightened. Moon rays striked down his rugged cheekbones and strong temple, painting him in shadows.

That face...it was definitely a figment of twisted imagination.

"I will avenge my defeat. Angreyapuram will tumble like stones this time." He promised with determination.

"Give me a token in your remembrance Bhairav...for if you are being so stubborn." Her overwhelming tone had an edge. Wavy hair fell down her shoulders, their ends sticking with sweat.

Shocked, his eyes widened and cut brows raised up. His hold on the hilt of his sword tightened before he frowned, glaring up at the sky and then at himself as if cursing himself for something.

Slowly but steadily his shoulders relaxed. He sighed and all signs of frustration left him. "How?" He spoke in a defeated tone.

She turned around with a wretched face, like she had courageously accepted her ill fate. "Women are full of secrets." Her open palm extended towards him. "One token, god forbid, if I become your widow o-or, or you abandon me." She spoke in a crisp bravery however refusing an eye contact.

Hurt crossed his face as he whipped her around to face him, establishing a stern but determined glare. "I won't ever abandon you, never ever and here," He pulled down the keyura on his right arm. The gold armlet had elaborate pattern of sun distinctly etched on it. Small eight rubies embodied around the centre, "have the family insignia."

"It's yours now." He placed it in her palms, gently curling her fingers over it, nestling it between them. "A reminder you are my wife."

Dark eyes snapped open of their own accord. He was lost of his whereabouts. Until there was a gentle exhale on his neck and awareness of a warmth safely tucked in his arms.

Well it wasn't a nightmare at least.

He had planned to quietly slip away as soon as Bhavani would be deep in slumber. However his carelessness had generated a peculiar piece of imagination.

Bhairav had neither ventured to central Madhya Pradesh nor lost the battle of Angreyapuram. It was a very controversial but tiny kingdom at a pivotal geographical location ran by tribal royalty. Bhairav had defeated such a ferocious enemy in his maiden attempt, fuelling his vanity further.

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