Episode 24

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Next two days passed by as an ordinary blur. Bhavani began to understand Rudra and his skillfully crafted life further.

One fine evening all of them joined tea time at lawn, except for Sanjay Rathore. They had been seated at a long table where Mrs. Rathore occupied the head chair, Rudra on her left. The mother son duo was throughly engaged in a discussion. Ira next to three chairs on right, beside her brother, idly flipped a page of her book. Prithvi was engrossed on phone, however his serious expressions gave away the urgency before he left the table.

Abhinav across his mother, on left of Bhavani, discussed the newest Malhotra proposal with Vikram and him.

However his mind drifted back to Bhairav. The historical character had sparked his interest. When the discussions concluded, he interjected. "I heard about the history of festivity. Since how long this tradition been up?"

Everyone looked at him.

Vikram shrugged, looking around as if demanding for two cents. "After the mishap occurred?"

Queen mother sighed, disappointed. She addressed Bhavani. "The temple was built five hundred years ago, a few months before queen Ganga's demise. This tradition was first initiated by Maharaja Ajit, their oldest son."

Ira tsked, nudging Vikram. "God bhaiya, you forgot such a simple fact?"

Vikram rubbed his clean shaven chin. "I never claimed history is my strongest subject. Why don't you ask this history nerd about facts? He has parroted all Indian history till date."

Rudra huffed, offended. "I don't parrot."

"Yeah," Abhinav chimed in, ready to defend his brother. "He has photographic memory."

Vikram scoffed, putting his hand on the top rail of empty chair next to him. "Where is his photographic memory during scientific facts? Photographic memory works for each and every word alike. He can't remember phone numbers for instance."

"Boys," Mrs. Rathore appeared exasperated. She glanced at Bhavani. "We haven't clearly shed lights on the event, have we? Ask away whatever you want about it. You're more than welcome to learn about the ancestral history."

Once again, they expectantly regarded Bhavani. However Rudra had a warning edge to his taut stature and glare, a nonverbal prohibition from raising further questions.

"How many kingdoms had Bhairav won during his reign?"

Abhinav frowned. "Don't tell us you are impressed by him."

Ira rolled her eyes. "Abhi, let him know. Its his first time in Rajasthan. Of course every intense rajputs have impressed him."

"Tell him Rudra."

Rudra almost stared at his mother coldly before doing as directed. He was diagonally across him. "Thirty two kingdoms, only one battle ever lost."

"Wait," Abhinav and Ira synchronised. "He had lost two battles, one against Pratapgarh which costed him eastern fort?" Ira shook her head, "southern fort," She replied.

"Ah yes," Abhinav nodded gratefully, "the other was with Angreyapuram which almost costed him his empire."

"It's wrong." Rudra shook his head.

Brows furrowed, everyone stared at Rudra. "What do you mean?" Abhinav asked, confused alike everyone else, save for Bhavani who was clueless.

Rudra exhaled through his nose as if preparing to teach toddlers. "He'd won the battle with Angreyapuram."

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