Episode 23

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"Listen to the whole thing first!" Prithvi was sprinting after an insecure Abhinav. Servants parted to the sides and quivered at their places. Scowling, his uncanny hold on people resembled to Rudra at the moment.

"When Bhaiya will whoop your ass, don't come crying to me for help," Prithvi threatened beside him. He was brisk walking to match his quick stomps.

"You think I care bro?" He smirked smugly. "Everyone related to him has to be approved by me. Might well as ask his newfound guts to randomly mingle with just anybody when we'll be at it."

They came across the controversial door. Heaving up and down, he pushed it open, barging in.

Abhinav glared at the man who had put on his green tee in haste. He was around his age, darkly tanned and freshly out of shower. Fortunately he was decently dressed now. "How come you got closer to Rudra without meeting me first."

Bhavani blinked cluelessly. "Excuse me?"

Abhinav gritted his teeth. Menacingly he stepped forward and loosened his dark tie. He was yet to change out of his dark maroon suit. "Stay away from my brother." He raised his index finger, a threatening gesture. "No one can enter his life without my approval. Are you getting this, his friend?"

"Stop it, it's rude," Prithvi hissed near him then flashed a grin at Bhavani. "We will be leaving now."

"No," Abhinav disagreed. "Let me assess who has guts to mess with me."

However dark brown eyes rolled, water sliding down his hairline. "Kind sir, since you've barged in the room without knocking, when I was changing. The day is ruined already. Please, leave." Bhavani picked up the towel from bed, voice full of mockery. Abhinav rounded to him. "What did you just say, huh? Dare to say it again."

"Woah, what did I do?" Bhavani raised up his hands in surrender, an incredulous look on his face. "This is borderline harassment."

"Bhavani is right. This is mental harassment and you're stepping out of this room this instant Abhinav Rathore."

Abhinav diverted his betrayed gaze at Prithvi. "You're siding with a stranger over your own brother?"

Prithvi huffed. "This isn't Mahabharata." His arms crossed, white shirt contrasting to his dark gaze. "Out. Now."

A familiar echo of shoes stole their attention. All heroism draining out, a dread settled in the pit of his stomach. His brother would fry him alive for disrespectful behaviour. Rudradev tolerated anything but abuse.

He helplessly glanced at Prithvi who looked away, upset.

"Fuck I'm dead," He muttered to himself and ran a hand through his hair.

Rudra walked in. His eyes froze to stare at Bhavani before looking around expectantly. "Instead of meeting me first, what are you doing here?" It was aimed at Abhinav. They had a tradition to meet one another first and catch up on missed out details.

Abhinav sighed. There was no running away from consequences. He was jealous, insecure and overprotective and he would pay for it. "I—"

"—I saw a mouse." Bhavani pointed at the bed. "See? Under there."

Sharp eyes narrowed, Rudra ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek before cocking his head to the side. "You think I'm a fool?"

Bhavani frowned. "Are you doubting me?" He feigned ignorance and looked at both of them, "and why are you glaring at them? I yelled, shocked at the disgusting rodent."

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