Episode 32

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Bhavani rubbed his palms while smiling at basking morning, shivering and tightening the red shawl around him. It was later January and his first day back in home after months of exile, an exaggeration. He peeked down a glance of lazy joggers in his neighbourhood. Nothing had changed about their lethargic selves.

His phone had been buzzing for the past fifteen minutes however him being an insolent boyfriend, could not pick up the call just yet.

He and Rudra had been in a relationship for the past three months but in the said course, had not even once shared a kiss. It was like Rudra had been deliberately avoiding or postponing it. The only excuse he was fed was and he quoted, I want that day to be memorable. Now his patience was wearing down. He had a right to be either blatantly refused the said demand or be showered with it.

Sex was something they would commit to after marriage. They had the discussion about their traditional opinions.

So what was unique about their kiss?

He sighed and smushed his cheek against the side of the window frame. They had a frustrating debate regarding it....and here he was, beginning quality time with his family as he used his personal holidays of the annual session.

Besides, he had to come out before his family.

With a determination in his eyes, he hung up again and walked out of his tiny and minimalistic room, abandoning the phone on his study desk. The distinct chattering of his sisters and the romantic drama they played on their only television in living room leaked upto the first floor. He skipped a step while sprinting down, ignoring the incessant dialogues before him.

"Good morning baba."

His father glanced over his shoulder, smiling and then turned back to reading the newspaper with a concentrated frown.

He pursed his lips at Ishani who was applying mehndi. "Oi, you have your boards in March. They'll throw you out for this henna art if it doesn't washes off by then."

Ishani pouted. "Ten minutes only please please please. It will be a cute orange."

He shook his head, muttering under his breath until a warm cup of chai was placed in his hands. "Chill," Nandini advised and sprawled on the olive sofa on his side.

"How much?" He sat beside her, pointing at the new magenta half sleeved jacket.

Nandini looked at him before watching the dance between leads. "Five hundred."

He tsked, slapping his head. "All holy goddesses...what do I do with your spendthrift self? You were looted dummy," He yelled over behind him. "Where were you Chandu? These idiots will drain away the whole house."

Chandni emerged out of the kitchen, a spoon in her hand. "I warned her. But who listens to me here? They think we're fools when we try interfering."

"Exactly," He glared at Nandini. "Your coolness must be costing you, isn't it? Now what's even left of your pocket money if you cut exam charges?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh goddesses stop roasting me. Lemme watch bela, okay?" She huffed and trained her hawk like stare on tv.

"Baba," He complained. "Did you see it?"

However his father hummed, signalling he was more invested in reading about national news than listening to his only son's grievances. This was a typical struggling day for Bhavani.

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