Episode 13

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Golden chandeliers were basking the lone table in the echoey hall. The private dining had a western touch to it as one could tell from candles, violet roses tucked beside candelabra, and royal blue velvety tablecloth. Bhavani leaned back. Aesthetic aura of the place could nothing to calm his nervousness. He fixed his grey sleeves to distract himself. Jittery eyes repeatedly glanced at the door across him. The man responsible for inferiority complex was yet to arrive at the scene.

He sighed and looked around. The refined touch evoked a desire to move in sensual dance and wear his heart on sleeves. In a word it was elegance. In a word it was romance.

His eyes widened.

No no no.

It was unconventional to fall for a man. Someone seven years older than him. A CEO. A deadly and unpredictable storm named Rudradev Rathore. In spite of hundred reasons to not pursue him, Bhavani wanted him. Once again, he began to convince his feelings. The man had saved his life and nothing more—

The door pushed open in one smooth move. Speak of the devil.

Each sonic echo of firm footsteps, created an emotional turmoil for the flustered man. Blood rushed to his cheeks, more so ever at his own prying gaze.

The figure of black shirt subtly displaying ripped muscles and sleek dark coat dangling on folded forearm were too much for him. The greek god of sexiness put models to shame with his high cheekbones and gentleman style.

In predatory long strides, Rudra closed the distance between them and stopped. Bhavani was stuck in the soulful gaze like a moth captivated by deadly fire. He was attracted to an enigmatic storm who tainted hearts by promising them of an untouchable mirage.

Illusion he was, Bhavani concluded. Unattainable.

Rudra knew he should look away. However he found himself defying norms. A handsome and young face should be admired, shouldn't be? After all such a face kissed by glow of fire lit candles was a bewitching one, especially when not even tiredness could pull its magic down. He put the coat over chair and sat across the radiant man. The one whose faithful eyes had won his heart.


But he longed to be trusted, didn't he? He yearned to be believed when he couldn't believe or trust himself. In this moment he realized, the blinding trust put in him would be his end

Mentally he shooed away those thoughts when the man across him put his chin on his prominent knuckles. Bhavani had bony hands and dainty fingers.

He aimed his scrutinizing stare at Bhavani who tilted his head. "Do you practise dark magic?..Tantra?"

Bhavani regarded him for few good seconds, lips pressed in a thin line before he spoke calmly. "Am I allowed to speak my mind without losing my job?"

"Suit yourself."

With a contempt look in his eyes, Bhavani jutted his chin. "I never saw you as a superstitious guy. Is it because I'm a bengali? The prejudice and stereotypes surrounding us?"

Rudra could had handled the situation in a more sensitive light however he refused to do so. He was a businessman not a psychologist or empath.

"Done Genz, your hashtag moment and all liberating terms?" Rudra smirked. "I need answers regarding your paranormal connection. Don't lie because you too can feel it..your mind seems to go blank like Bella Swan whenever I use my gift on you."

A husband's regretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin