Episode 30

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The world stilled for Rudra at the sight of the same woman he had been dreaming all these years to meet. Her hairs were not as long as before, rather pulled up in a bouncy ponytail draped over shoulder.

Perhaps she had recognized him too because...the knowing look in her eyes was unmistakable.


It was only when Vikram cleared his throat did he realise how creepy he was being. He looked away to mask his shock while a contentment wrapped around his chest, liberating some of his anxiety. It was easier to breathe when witnessing her rosy red skin alive and buzzing with life flowing in her. Her face, even though had morphed to much younger and a bit different from the last time he saw her, held earlier semblance to it. Her eyes were much alike the same, round and expectant.

"Uhm she's the one who volunteered to donate," Vikram added.

Rudra whipped his sharp gaze to the timid woman.

How funny....

Her attire was more on contemporary spectrum. In a jean jacket and jean bell bottom, she was one of those young adults to follow trends. Her huge earrings were fake, however her fine genes made up for the stupid fashion.

She was hardly twenty.

"How old are you?" Rudra questioned out of blue.

She blinked in shock and aimed her index finger at herself. "Me?"

Rudra narrowed his eyes. "No, another woman with a AB negative blood group. Of course you."

She was flustered as always. In fact this time she was much more flustered than she used to be.

Vikram gave him a stink eye as if scolding him to be polite. He observed them both before he left. "I'm bringing coffee for you," The faded yell sounded behind him.

"Uhm eighteen. Today's my first time donating blood. And my..." She trailed off, excitedly looking at the sky outside. "My mum's a transferred official here. In fact this is my first time visiting Jaipur and I was like...come one, my first morning as an eighteen year old, all dedicated to a noble cause. Oh, hehe, I'm being weird. I'm sorry. Your boyfriend, I mean boy friend is in a critical condition so I shouldn't be so chirpy...god I'm shutting up now. By the way you're the most handsome man I've ever seen till far. Magazines and fan edits, oh, no one can do a justice to your attractiveness. So yeah." She shrugged. "I am going. Bye."

She turned around, ready to hop away like a deer caught in headlights.

"You don't need to pretend Ganga. I know you remember me," Rudra muttered, rubbing his eyes and plopping down on the waiting chair.

It was enough to make the young woman drop her act. She turned to him, eyes retaining her soberness. "You do?"

He lethargically looked up at her, patting the vacant metallic seat beside him. "Sit."

She lowered down on the seat, their fingertips centimetres apart from touching one another. When they brushed accidentally, there was a reassurance climbing up his consciousness. It was like meeting one's daughter or sister. A happiness unrestrained by complexity of romance or possessiveness.

He was a fool to doubt himself for loving her in that way. There was no question of his love for her...however it had transformed to platonic spectrum. 

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