chapter 1

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         Assalamu Alaikum

          Peace be upon you,

In the glorious name of Allah, the most benevolent and merciful.


      The purpose of this communication is to kindly inform you that I have recently completed my inaugural work of fiction and I am sincerely hoping for your valuable assistance and support in its reception. It would be of immense value to me if, during your perusal, you could kindly highlight any mistakes you may come across, as nobody is infallible and I seek to improve my craft. Your involvement in this process is highly appreciated.

Unknown p.o.v

Gradually, my eyes fluttered open, and an enduring sensation lingered as if I had recently closed them for a brief respite. Surveying my surroundings, I endeavored to grasp my current location. My gaze was ensnared by the presence of a gentleman standing by my side, instinctively recognizing him as a doctor due to his attire. His countenance was adorned with a warm smile directed towards me. A perplexing cloud of confusion settled upon me, prompting me to tightly shut my eyes, striving to recall the circumstances surrounding my current state.

- my name is Hauwa Ahmed, more commonly known as jeederh. I am a 17-year-old individual hailing from the Fulani tribe, boasting long hair and a slightly plump figure. My disposition can be described as joyous, while my skin radiates a glossy complexion. I possess delicately arched eyebrows, an oval face structure, a refined nose and a captivating aesthetic. Although I may possess a slightly unconventional appearance, I pride myself on being diligent, amiable and angelic in nature.

   Additionally, I hail from a family consisting of myself and my elder brother. Our parents were a loving duo; my father enjoyed a prosperous career as a prominent business figure, whereas my mother dedicated her life to the noble profession of medicine. My elder brother was on the verge of completing his final year of education, while I found myself in the midst of transitioning from SS2 to SS3. Together, we resided harmoniously in Borno State, reveling in a lifestyle characterized by utmost comfort and contentment. Regrettably, tragedy struck, searing agonizing memories into my consciousness.

During a family vacation, my father made a promise to take us to Abuja on that fateful day. Filled with excitement, we embarked on our journey, beseeching the Almighty as a united front. Soon thereafter, my father began voicing concerns regarding the deteriorating condition of the brakes. Initially, we dismissed his comments as jests, for he possessed a propensity for humor. However, the situation rapidly devolved as the car careened recklessly from side to side, eliciting collective panic and cries for help. The last words I recall hearing were, "la'ilaha illalah."

Suddenly, the doctor's presence jolted me back to reality. Sensing my faltering composure, he inquired if I was feeling better. His query hovered in the air as I stared at him, enveloped in a storm of emotions.

"What about my family?" I interjected, my voice trembling with trepidation.

He cleared his throat, preparing to deliver the harrowing truth. "My dear, I deeply regret to inform you that we lost them in the accident. You, miraculously, are the sole survivor," he uttered gravely.

A sense of disbelief washed over me, rendering me incapable of accepting the reality at hand. "This cannot be true," I cried out in anguish, my eyes brimming with tears.

"Dear one," he began, his voice brimming with compassion, "you must summon forth patience and offer prayers for their departed souls. That is the strength you possess within you."

Overwhelmed with grief, I attempted to rise from the bed, yet the doctor gently restrained me, his hands acting as a shield against my restless determination. No matter how ardently I struggled, I could not break free from the invisible shackles restraining me. Suddenly, a sensation akin to a needle piercing my skin engulfed me, and an embracing slumber gently swept me away.

Thus concludes the first chapter of my debut writing endeavor. I sincerely hope you derive enjoyment from it.

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