chapter 5

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While spending time together with Jidderh, I suddenly heard my mother shouting my name in a frantic manner. Aunt Maryam called out my name repeatedly at the top of her voice,

"Fatima, Fatima, Fatima!"

Realizing that I had to go and answer her, I informed Jidderh of my departure. She nodded her head in understanding. I got up from the bed and made my way straight to the sitting room. There,

I found my mother and Faiha sitting together. Upon seeing her smiling, I knew she was up to something.

"Mum, you called for me," I said as I sat down on the sofa.

"Yes, so what preparations are you making for school resumption?" she inquired.

"Ummmm, Jidderh and I, will be going shopping on Saturday, insha Allah," I replied while gazing at the television.

"Hmm, Fatima, the money your father left behind can't sustain us. It's not enough for your school fees, food, and other necessities," she said, her gaze fixed on me.

Suddenly, my expression changed. What did she mean by that, I wondered.

"But mum," I managed to utter.

She interrupted me, saying, "As for Jidderh, she should stay at home and help me with some house chores. But, I promise that whenever your dad sends us some money, she will join you," she said,...

"But mum," I protested, then Faiha interrupted my sentence.

"Why are you so stubborn, Fatima? Can't you hear what she said?" she retorted angrily.

She started shouting at me, and I couldn't contain my emotions, leading us to argue and exchange harsh words.

"Enough of this argument," mum interfered.

She fell silent, but as for me, I needed to express my thoughts. I wouldn't allow them to ruin her dreams.

"How would she feel? Dad now took over her late father's business, and she should stay at home. It's not fair at all," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

Both my mother and Faiha stared at me, confusion written all over their faces.

"Mum, she lost her parents, and she has dreams. Do you two want her dreams to be shattered?" I asked, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Faiha stood up and sarcastically clapped her hands, saying, "Well done, Mrs. Emotion Feeler," her anger evident in her voice.

"Don't you have dreams?" Aunt Maryam asked.

I didn't answer her question; instead, I threw another question at my mother, asking,

"Mum, how would you feel if someone treated me or Faiha like this?"

She didn't respond to my question, continuing to stare at me as if she would devour me.

"You're grown now, and you even have the audacity to question mum," Faiha said through gritted teeth.

"I can see she is corrupting your mind, Fatima" mum said...

Anger radiating from faiha.Her eyes bore into me with a lifeless stare, as she emitted a sharp hiss. With great determination, she exited the sitting room and made her way towards her own room, forcefully slamming the door behind her.

Meanwhile, I remained motionless, tears streaming down my face, overcome by the emotions swirling within me.

"Why is it that you are always at odds with us, Fatima?" Aunt Maryam inquired, her voice filled with frustration.

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