chapter 15

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The journey to my boss's house was quite interesting. In fact, at some point, I forgot about my own problem , I decided to find out more about my new boss, so I mustered up the courage to ask the driver, who had been silent ever since I had asked my initial question.

"Excuse me, sir," I began. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

The driver turned to me with a smile and replied, "Not at all. Go ahead."

"I'm Hauwa Ahmed, commonly known as Jidderh. What's your name?" I inquired.

"My name is Musa," he said, focused on driving.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Musa," I replied, appreciating his response.

As the conversation flowed, I felt increasingly at ease with Musa, and he seemed more than willing to indulge my curiosity.

"You work with my new boss, right?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, of course," Musa replied with a nod.

"Sorry to disturb you, but could you please tell me a little bit about her?" I inquired further.

"No problem, her name is Hajjiya Rukaiya. She is the wife of Alhaji Abubakar, a wealthy millionaire. They live in Karewa and have been happily married for over 30 years. They have two children together. Hajjiya Rukaiya is known for her kindness and has a heart of gold. As for Alhaji, he is often traveling and rarely stays in the country, but he is also known for his kindness," Musa explained, sharing his knowledge.

" I nodded" and he continued...

Their firstborn has been living abroad for the past four years, while their daughter is currently in SS3. Alhaji's nephew is also studying abroad with his son. It seems that only those who are patient enough can handle living away from their son. The firstborn is a nice person, but can be a bit prideful at times. Alhaji's nephew, on the other hand, is also very kind. They are often seen as twins because Alhaji took him in after his parents passed away in an accident From that time, Alhajji took his nephew to live with them. Both Alhajji and Hajjiya have no problems, but his son is a spoiled brat. You know, their dad doesn't stay at home, so whenever he visits, his son does whatever he wants. My advice is to respect Hajjiya and always obey her. This way, you will enjoy your stay. However, I recommend staying away from him since he has been known to chase after some of the maids." He concluded...

"Okay, Insha Allah, I will," I replied, thanking him for the advice.

Feeling exhausted from the long journey, I started dozing off in the car.

"It looks like you're sleepy, just go ahead and sleep," Musa said, focusing on driving.

As I drifted off to sleep, I was suddenly awakened by the sound of my name being called.

"Jidderh, Jidderh!"

I opened my eyes, still feeling groggy.

"We're almost there, this is the entrance to the state," Musa said.

I looked around in awe and saw a sign that read, "Welcome to Adamawa State." It finally sank in that I had arrived in Adamawa State.

I noticed several beautiful houses around me, mesmerized by their grandeur.

"Which area are we heading to?" I asked, still fixated on the stunning houses.

"We're going to Karewa," Musa responded, turning left as he drove.

Just then, we arrived at an impressive gate. Musa honked, and the gatekeeper promptly opened the gate. As he drove into the compound, I couldn't help but be astounded by the sheer size and elegance of the mansion before me.

We got out of the car, and I couldn't help but admire the house before me. "Wow" slipped out of my lips without me even realizing it. My father's house is beautiful too, but it can't compare to this one.

"Let's go," Musa said, bringing me back to reality.

"Okay," I replied, grabbing my bag and following closely behind him.

As he led me into the sitting room, the door swung open, revealing a massive space that was well-equipped and beautifully furnished.

I couldn't help but gaze around in awe, feeling slightly like a village girl in such a grand setting.

"Please have a seat, Hajjiya will be here soon," he said, settling himself on the sofa.

Thank you," I said, sitting on the soft carpet while Musa continued to stroll on his phone.

I kept looking around until my eyes captured the pictures on the wall. No doubt, this is Alhaji Abubakar. He is an elderly man with a pot belly, making me chuckle.

I looked at the next picture and exclaimed, "Wow!" There was a very beautiful and gorgeous woman who appeared to be in her forties.

Then, I quickly glanced around again and noticed the picture of a beautiful girl. She was so cute and seemed to be around my age. No doubt, this is their daughter.

But then I saw the next picture, and my heart skipped a beat. It was of two guys. The first guy looked incredibly handsome, but the next guy standing beside him blew me away. He was even more attractive. I couldn't help but blush and whisper to myself, "This guy is so handsome." I said to myself...

Then, I remembered Musa telling me about their first son and Alhaji's nephew who were studying abroad. No doubt, this picture must be of them. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of it.

Suddenly, I scolded myself, "Jidderh, you're here to work, so hold back ."....

Here is chapter 15..

Why did jidderh heart blew away after seeing alhaji's son ?... ..

Dan dan dan

Something is about to happen....

Please guys help me by

Kenzie 😍 luv you all....

Jidderh (On Going)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang