chapter 12

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I opened my heavy eyes, fearing that my eyeballs would be ripped out.

Pain engulfed my entire body, every part of me aching intensely.

Memories of yesterday flooded my mind - how Faiha falsely accused me, how she slapped me, and how Aunt Maryam mercilessly beat me as if wanting me dead.

Tears streamed down my face, my weakness overwhelming. Traces of the cable's brutal impact marked my battered body. Helplessly, I cried even harder...

Just then, I heard the sound of the toilet door opening and i saw Fatima coming out.

"Jidderh, how are you feeling?" she asked, sitting down next to me.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you so much," I replied.

"Don't mention it, I'm sorry for everything," she said, gently wiping away my tears.

"Please stop crying, have faith that everything will come to an end," she said assuring me.

I nodded in agreement.

I tried to get up, but my body felt too weak to even stand.

Fatima helped me to my feet and supported me as I made my way to the bathroom. After my bath, I emerged from the toilet.

As I was getting dressed, Fatima left the room and returned with a mug of hot tea and a small piece of bread. She insisted that I eat, and I thanked her as I obediently took a few bites. As I lay back down on the bed, she went to put away the dishes.

Feeling determined, I summoned the strength to stand up from the bed, despite the pain coursing through my body. I glanced at the mirror and was confronted with a harsh reflection of the previous day's brutality. My face was swollen and covered in scars, evoking pity for myself. Overwhelmed, I returned to my position on the bed.

An hour later, Fatima returned with a plate of food.

I stood up and sat back on the bed.

"Fatima, I'm okay, but you don't have to skip school because of me," I told her.

"I can't go and leave you in this condition, baby," she replied, still chewing her food.

"Fatima, thank you so much," I said, hugging her.

"Don't break my bones," Fatima said, giggling.

I smiled at her.

"I did the house chores and even cooked," she said.

"What?" I exclaimed happily.

"Thank you, darling. You're so caring. May Allah bless you abundantly," I prayed.

Ameen....Now open your mouth let me feed you" she said bringing the spoon closed to my mouth ....

I opened my mouth as Fatima feed me it reminds me of how my mum used to feed me when ever am sick ....

"Where is aunt and faiha" i asked chewing the food...

"Mum when to drop faiha " she said still feeding me....

After we finished eating, she kindly took the plate to the kitchen.

I grabbed my jotter and poured everything out onto the pages. When I was done, I carefully returned it to the drawer.

Just at that moment, I heard the door opening. It was Fatima, she came and sat down next to me.

"Jidderh, why did you try to run away from home?" she asked, reaching for her phone in the drawer.

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