chapter 10

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"I was still washing when I suddenly remembered the way I had shouted at Fatima.

I knew I had to apologize because she meant a lot to me.

It took me hours to finish washing the clothes since there were so many of them.

Finally, I completed the task and hung them on the spreading wire in the compound.

After washing all the buckets I had used, I neatly arranged them together.

Carrying them to the main building, I headed straight to our room.

As I opened the door, I found Fatima engrossed with her phone.

"Fatima, I am very sorry," I said sitting next to her...

She looked up, surprise evident on her face. "Sorry? For what?"she asked..

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I continued,

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. I didn't mean to be so harsh. You mean a lot to me, and I should have handled the situation better." I said ....

Fatima's expression softened, and she put her phone asides.

"Thank you for apologizing. It did hurt, but I appreciate that you recognized your mistake." She said with a smile...

Grateful for her understanding, I nodded.

"I promise to be more mindful of my words and emotions in the future. It won't happen again."I assured her...

She smiled and reached out to me. "Apology accepted.

Let's move past this and focus on resolving any issues" she said in a calmer manner.

Relief washed over me as I took her hand. We both understood the importance of communication and forgiveness in our relationship.

With the tension eased and the laundry finally done,

"The other day, you mentioned that I should be teaching you at home, right?" Fatima asked, gently reminding me.

"Yes," I replied, nodding.

Fatima stood up and brought out books and textbooks, and we began our lesson on chemistry and physics.

That is how we spent our day. When evening came, we called it a day. Fatima excused herself and went to another room,,

Afterwards, I reached for the jotter that Fatima had given me, pouring my thoughts and emotions onto the pages.

Placing it carefully inside the drawer, I heard the door open. It was Aunt Maryam.

"Good evening, Aunt," I greeted her, trying to remain composed.

"What's good about the evening, idiot?" she thundered, her anger palpable.

"Have you cooked?" she demanded.

"I'm sorry, Aunt, you didn't tell me what to cook," I replied, my gaze fixed on the floor.

"Why should I tell you, when all you know is to steal and pamper my daughter?" she spat, giving me a deadly glare."

I didn't realize tears were streaming down my face. I wish i can be with my parents again. I couldn't help but wonder why they seemed to hate me. So many questions crossing in my mind, causing more tears to cascade down my cheeks.

"My friend, go and cook rice and chicken," she thundered, jolting me back to reality.

Nodding, I wiped away my tears, feeling exhausted from crying. I couldn't bear shedding any more tears.

Aunt Maryam slammed the door and left.

I gathered my strength and made my way to the toilet. I performed ablution, finding solace in the rituals....

As I prayed for my late parents and a better future, a sense of calm washed over me.

I gathered myself and made my way to the kitchen.

Despite my sadness, I prepared the rice and fried the chicken.

Just then, Faiha came out of her room with her earphones on and sat down, singing along to the music.

Aunt Maryam joined her, creating a lively atmosphere.

"So, you can't serve us?" Faiha asked.

Nervously, I began serving them, trying to keep my composure. But as I was serving, Aunt Maryam interrupted with a harsh command.

"Listen carefully, since all you know is to steal. There's no food for you.. Now, go to your room," Aunt Maryam said, taking a spoonful of rice.

Feeling defeated, I quickly ran to my room, closing the door behind me. I leaned against it, as more tears streams down my eyes...

"Ya Allah, I find myself utterly exhausted and overwhelmed by these circumstances," I silently implore...

As doubts consume my thoughts, I can't help but wonder if I am destined to endure a lifetime of mistreatment...

The tears I have shed have left me drained and weary...

Determined to find a way out,

I rise from my seat and make my way to the wardrobe, where I had previously hid some money. I uncover a sum of 30k, and a glimmer of hope brightens my face...

In that moment, a brilliant idea floods my mind with excitement...

Should I seize this opportunity and run away? The enticing prospect dances in front of me, and I find myself asking, "Where should I escape to?"

I started packing my clothes, I'm going to go...

"What if I get caught?" my subconscious said...

"No, I can't be caught," I said, sitting on the bed,

contemplating whether to run away or not. Suddenly, my stomach started growling with hunger...

"How can I sleep without eating?" I asked myself.

Hey, aunt, you're so wicked, I swear, I said as I stood up from my seat.

I started searching for Fatima and then I saw her sleeping on the sofa.

I went straight to Aunt's room and peeped; she was sleeping. I peeped into Faiha's room, but she wasn't there. I guess she might be in the toilet...

I went to our room and checked the time; it was 10 pm.

I packed all my clothes, took 20k, and kept the remaining 10k under Fatima's clothes.

I'm still contemplating whether to go or not...

"Just go already," my subconscious said decisively.

I carried my bag and went straight to the door that leads to the balcony. I opened it and closed it silently.

As I started walking towards the gate,

I suddenly heard a voice ask, "Where are you going?"

My heart started racing, and I began to shiver.

"That is the end of you jidderh," I whispered under my breath.....

Hi guys how are you doing?...

Here is chapter 10

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Kenzie love you all 💓😗

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