chapter 2

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     With my eyes fluttering open once more, I became aware of the diazepam injection that had been administered to me. The sensation of sore muscles coursed through my body, serving as a stark reminder of the injection's effects. Interestingly enough, I possessed knowledge of the specific injection that had been given to me due to my mother's previous profession as a doctor. This new revelation left me feeling weak and plagued by an insatiable hunger.

Suddenly, a feminine voice broke the silence, announcing that I was awake. I turned my head to see the familiar face of the doctor standing before me. However, to my surprise, he was not alone. Accompanying him were a man and a woman, individuals whom I immediately recognized: Uncle Muktar and Aunty Maryam. Their presence left me astounded and bewildered.

Out of all the people, Aunty Maryam had shown up at this moment. I couldn't help but wonder why they were here. Perhaps they had heard about the incident and felt compelled to visit. Allow me to provide a brief background on them: Uncle Muktar, my father's elder brother, had always treated me like a second father. His affection knew no bounds, and he would often visit us. He and my father shared an uncanny resemblance in both appearance and love for one another.

On the other hand, Aunty Maryam, who was older than my mother, would most likely be in her mid-thirties. She possessed striking beauty that would deceive anyone into believing she wasn't a mother of two. Personally, I harbored some disdain for Aunty Maryam, but my mother had warned me against revealing such feelings. Therefore, I always wore a fake smile in her presence. She never reciprocated the warmth my mother had shown her, yet my mother's affection for her remained unchanged.

Nevertheless, seeing both Uncle Muktar and Aunty Maryam standing beside me overwhelmed me with surprise. Before I could dwell further on my thoughts, Aunty Maryam interrupted, breaking the silence. "Jidderh, you're finally awake. You've been confined to this bed for a month now," she said. The news startled me, causing me to exclaim, "What?"

"Yes, dear," she responded. Uncle Muktar  "Ya jiki" (Are you well?). I replied, "Lafiya" (I am fine), tears streaming down my cheeks.

Uncle Muktar stood up and made his way out, likely attempting to conceal his grief from me and remain strong. Aunty Maryam held my hand tightly, her touch evoking memories of my mother. The emotions overwhelmed me, and I cried even harder, knowing that I no longer had my mother. I was now an orphan, having lost my beloved family. Tears continued to cascade down my cheeks.

In my prayers, I implored Allah to grant me the strength to endure this test. I wondered where to begin, my mind consumed by the loss. The dreams and aspirations I once held now felt as though they were slipping away. The prospect of becoming a nurse, which had meant everything to my family, now seemed unattainable to an orphan like me.

As I pondered these thoughts, the doctor and Uncle Muktar exited the room, leaving me alone with Aunty Maryam, whose presence provided some solace.

   Walking into the room, the doctor and Uncle Muktar interrupted my train of thought. "As you can observe, she is now in stable condition. She will be discharged by tomorrow," the doctor informed, excusing himself shortly after.

Uncle Muktar beamed a smile at me and declared, "Jeedderh, my dear, we are here for you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him, shaking my head in response.

"Dear, I have an errand to attend to," he mentioned before leaving me in the care of his wife.

Aunty Maryam kept herself occupied with her phone, paying little attention to me.

Meanwhile, on my end, thoughts about my late family and the sudden change in my life consumed me.

The following day, the nurses had already prepared me for departure, assisting with dressing me up and getting me ready.

When I heard the door open, I greeted them. "Let's go," Uncle Muktar announced.

Aunty Maryam kindly helped me carry my bags, while Uncle Muktar went to the reception desk to settle the payment.

Exiting the hospital, we arrived at Uncle Muktar's parked car. He opened the trunk and placed my bags inside, as I took one last glance at the hospital, shaking my head once again.

Entering the car, Uncle Muktar ignited the engine and began driving towards his house. Throughout the journey, I felt like I had lost myself, unable to fathom a life without my family. I was never accustomed to being away from them, as my parents never wanted me out of their sight. And now, I was going to live with my uncle's wife, not for a day, but for an indefinite period.

This marked the beginning of my hardships.

Here is Chapter 2.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Kenzie 😍 Love you all.

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