chapter 17

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After jidderh made her way to her room, Hajjiya Rukaiya found herself engulfed in deep thoughts in the cozy sitting room. Her mind raced with the weight of what she had just heard. It was at this moment that she reached for her phone, contemplating whether to call Maryam or not. The clock on the wall reminded her that it was well past 9 o'clock.   It gave her the courage to dial Maryam's number. As the call connected and the phone rang,

Seconds later, she heard a familiar voice.

"Good evening, Hajjiya Rukaiya," Aunt Maryam greeted.

"Evening, Maryam, how are you" she responded, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Alhamdulillah," Aunt Maryam replied, her voice slightly tinged with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Hajjiya Rukaiya. I've been caught up with numerous tasks and didn't get the chance to call you and inquire about Jidderh's safe arrival," Maryam explained, expressing her regret.

Hajjiya Rukaiya sighed, understanding Maryam's busy schedule. However, her curiosity and concern couldn't be ignored.

"Fine, but what Jidderh told me really surprised me, Maryam. How could you?" she questioned, her voice filled with genuine surprise.

Aunty Maryam's heart skipped a beat. She knew deep down that Jidderh had spilled the beans and shared everything. Anxiety crept in as she pondered her response, trying to find the right words to explain herself.

"Maryam," Hajjiya Rukaiya called out, forcefully bringing her back to reality.

"Yes?" Maryam answered tentatively, sensing the anger in Hajjiya Rukaiya's voice.

"I never thought you would be so heartless, Maryam. I'm truly disappointed in you," Hajjiya Rukaiya declared angrily, abruptly ending the call.

Hajjiya Rukaiya couldn't help but feel a profound sense of sadness and hurt over her friend's attitude. She rose from her seat, an air of discontent surrounding her, and made her way back to her room, her footsteps heavy with disappointment and resentment.


Meanwhile, Aunt Maryam couldn't shake off the heavy weight of guilt that settled upon her shoulders. She paced around the sitting room, her mind consumed with worry. "Jidderh, you don't killed me," she muttered to herself, her conscience wrestling with the consequences of her actions.

Faiha, who was in the kitchen, emerged to find her mother pacing around the parlor, visibly upset. "Mum, what happened?" she asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"It's not Jidderh. She went and told Hajjiya Rukaiya everything. Now she doesn't see me with respect," her mother stated angrily.

Faiha, feeling frustrated, inquired, "Hmmm, Mum, this girl has spoiled our plan."

"Now the salary won't be given to us, wallahi! If she wasn't absent today, I could have ripped her apart," aunty maryam said, her voice filled with anger.

"Mum, let's forget about her. Adamawa is far away from here," Faiha suggested.

"Don't worry, I'll figure out how to handle her. It's getting late," she said through clenched teeth.

After bidding each other good night, they retired to bed.


The next day I wake up to the sound of the adhan, calling the faithful to prayer. I made my way to the toilet, bathed, and performed ablution, readying myself for the day ahead. As I finished my morning prayer, I lingered a little longer, saying additional prayers for a better future and in memory of my late parents. I donned a simple gown and made my way downstairs.

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