chapter 22

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As the car pulled up to the grand entrance, the family members rushed forward to welcome Ya Moh and Ya Umar. I stood back, watching the heartfelt reunions from a distance, my heart fluttering with anticipation.

Musa, the driver, was the first to alight from the jeep. He swiftly moved to the passenger seat, opening the door for Ya Moh, while Ya Umar opened his own door with a sense of self-reliance.

As Ya Moh emerged from the vehicle, I was struck by his handsome appearance. The man standing before me was even more captivating in person than in any photograph.

His fair complexion glowed, and his bushy hair and impeccably shaped beard framed his features with an air of sophistication. Tall and with a strong, well-built physique, he exuded an undeniable aura of confidence — a man who would catch the eye of any woman.

Beside him, Ya Umar was no less striking, with his handsome, chocolate complexion and perfectly styled hair and beard. The two men appeared like twins, mirroring each other's tall, straight stature and undeniable allure. It was as if they had stepped out of a dream, and I found myself caught in their irresistible presence.

After the initial flurry of hugs and greetings, everyone settled in the living room. Musa carried their luggage to the various rooms, and they began sharing stories and catching up on the time spent apart.

Hajjiya Rukaiya was positively beaming, clearly excited to have her family together again. Nafeesa kept throwing herself at Ya Moh, and Ya Umar was the calm one.

I found myself in the kitchen, watching the pot, and I didn't get the chance to go and welcome them. I could hear the excitement from the kitchen. They kept asking them about their stay abroad, and Ya Moh's voice was certainly captivating.

"How will I cope with the fact that my crush is going to be staying under the same roof with me? Ya Allah, help me," I said to myself.

As they continued conversing in the sitting room, suddenly they heard Alhaji's phone ringing. He excused himself to pick up the call, and the room fell silent.

"Uhm, Ya Moh, did I offend you? You haven't been calling me like before," Nafeesa asked.

"Nafeesa, not really, why would you think you have offended me? We have been busy with school, isn't that right, Umar?" Ya Moh replied.

"Yeah, Bash is right. School was hectic, but alhamdulillah, we are done," Umar replied, playing with his phone.

Nafeesa hummed, and I could feel the silence in the room. Then Hajjiya Rukaiya broke the silence.

"Are you guys not hungry?" she asked.

"Ammi, we missed your cooking," both Umar and Muhammad replied.

They all stood up, made their way to the dining room, and settled down for a meal.

I had just finished up the chores, and as I sat on the kitchen island, lost in my thoughts,

I could hear Alhaji wrapping up his call and making his way to the dining area. The chair scraped loudly as he seated himself, and Hajjiya Rukaiya promptly served him. The atmosphere was tense, with only the clinking of cutlery breaking the silence.

"I just got a call. I'll be traveling this evening," Alhaji announced between mouthfuls, causing a stir of surprise around the table.

"A last-minute trip? But we just got back today," Muhammad exclaimed.

"I can't help it, my sons. You know how busy I am, and you'll have your own businesses to run soon," Alhaji explained.

"But we planned to establish our business here. I don't want to be far from Ammi again," Muhammad said, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

"Ah, the mama's boy comes out," Umar teased, trying to lighten the mood..

"I also don't want you two to be far away from us," Naima said, her eyes wide with concern as she looked at her brothers.

"Hey, you're a girl, madam. You'll soon get married and leave us," Muhammad teased, sticking out his tongue and rolling it in mock disapproval at Naima.

"But Baba, I don't want to get married now," Naima protested.

"Yes, Princess, enjoy your studies first, okay?" Alhaji interjected, smiling at his daughter.

"I can't wait for you to leave this house," Umar added with a chuckle.

"Leave my daughter alone and finish your food," Hajjiya Rukaiya defended, giving her sons a stern look.

"I'll be in my room packing my stuff," Alhaji announced as he stood and made his way upstairs.

Hajjiya Rukaiya felt happy seeing her children, and it made her even happier that it distracted her from her worries about Jidderh.

"Um, Naima, where's Jidderh? I almost forgot about her," Hajjiya Rukaiya asked.

"She's in the kitchen," Naima replied, taking her last spoonful of food.

Ya Umar and Ya Moh were confused at the mention of Jidderh's name.

"Um, who is she?" Muhammad curiously asked.

"The new girl I hired," Hajjiya Rukaiya replied.

"Ammi, you and housemaids. Why do you like hiring young girls? You should look for someone mature. These young girls, I don't trust them," Muhammad expressed his concern.

"Ammi, Ya Moh is right. I don't trust these young girls either. Let me tell you something. These girls come in the name of work, gain your trust, and then steal and leave. Haven't you heard stories like this? She doesn't look innocent," Feesa confessed.

"Don't judge a book by its cover," Ya Umar interjected, trying to offer a different perspective.

"Ya Umar is right, get to know her before judging her," Naima said, rolling her eyes at her brothers' skepticism.

"Naima, I told you this yesterday, but you refused to listen to me. Fine, then," Feesa said, standing and making her way upstairs, clearly frustrated with the ongoing argument.

"Enough of this argument about my new employee. She is working for me, so it's none of your concern," Hajjiya Rukaiya defended, a note of finality in her tone as she silenced the discussion.

The family hummed and nodded in reluctant agreement.

"Go and call Jidderh so that she will come and help you clear the table," Hajjiya Rukaiya instructed Naima.

****" "" ""
I was in the kitchen, listening to their conversations. When I heard Ya Moh mention the idea of employing a young girl and Nafeesa giving them a cautionary tale about gaining trust and stealing, I felt like reacting, but I couldn't. I just sat there, listening. The emotions inside me boiled over, and before I knew it, tears started to flow. It felt bad, and I couldn't hold back the overwhelming sadness that washed over me.....

Hi  guys here is another chapter...

Finally the are back....

So what are your thoughts about this chapter?.....

Don't forget to

Kenzie 😍 luv you all 💓

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