3 | His Newfound Safe Place

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"....crazy. But I think you're crazier, hyung."

"Shut up you bean."

Chan and his two friends had walked toward their lockers. Theirs were right next to each others, so they really didn't have to separate.

When Chan opened his locker, he was surprised to see cookies and a note that said;

Thank you.

Minho peeked at Chan's locker, and when he saw the cookies, he didn't waste any time to tease his hyung.

"Ieeee, hyungiieee, we have a little someone here infatuated by your charm~!" Minho said as he nudged the older's elbow.

"What's that, hyung?" Changbin peeked.

"Some love gift some girlie left in Chan's locker" Minho smirked.

"I didn't ask you though."

"Be grateful I wasted my 3 seconds answering your question."

"Shut up you two. It's just a gift of gratitude. And it's not related to love, okay?- Well, maybe it is but I'm not the one involved." Chan replied.
"And it's not a girl."

"Oh hyung you're gay?" Changbin asked.

"I just said it's not related to love you dipshit"
Chan spoke in a calm tone.

He took the cookies from his locker and left for his first period class.

The other two stood still, carefully taking in the information - or rather, the reason why Chan was like this.

The last time Chan had calmly called Changbin dipshit, when normally he would hiss at him, which he didn't and instead calmly called him dipshit, was the time when he was in a good mood.
Which is seldom.

"What happened to him"


"..and that wraps up our lesson. I hope you all have been paying attention, especially for the people that are clearly dozing off?" The teacher spoke.

The teacher was a little skeptical of Chan's recent behaviour. Usually he would be greeted by his class with a blackboard eraser falling to his head - but no.

He was not greeted with any pranks.

It was a little unusual. Usually, Chan would always greet people with pranks. Bananas on the floor, glitter bombs on lockers, you name it.

But today? None.

The teacher eyed Chan before collecting his things and left.

The school bell had rang and the students stood up and left for lunch. Chan took his bag and left the class.

He left his bag to his locker. His two friends Minho and Changbin and their lockers being next to each others', of course they had to go to the cafeteria together.

But not today.

"Guys, I don't think I'll be having lunch at the cafeteria. You eat by yourselves, I've got someone to meet in the rooftop."

"You sure? We can come with you." Minho commented.

"No, the boy's shy. Just some homework stuff, aight?" Chan replied.

"Okay, then we'll be at the cafeteria, hyung."


Chan walked his way to the rooftop with his lunch in hand. He opened the door and saw a small boy sitting on a bench, eating his lunch.

He approached the boy and sat next to him.
"Why not eat at the cafeteria?" Chan asked the boy.

"It's too loud there, honestly." The boy said in a low tone.

"Jisung, was it?" Chan said as he opened his lunchbox.

"Han Jisung." Jisung spoke after he swallowed his food.
"Did you enjoy the cookies?"


The two sat in silence as they ate their lunch.
It wasn't really awkward. It was rather comfortable.
Jisung felt at ease with this man. He felt so safe being around him.


The next morning, Jisung approached Chan, who was apparently placing things in his locker.

He stood behind Chan and knocked on his shoulder - it's a habit of his when he wants to talk or maybe have someone's attention (not in a bad way).

When Chan turned around to see who tapped - or knocked on his shoulder, Jisung lowered his head and extended his hands to give him cookies.

"I-I...wanted t-to sa-say than-thank you..in p-person.." Jisung said as he slowly lifted his head and looked away, trying to hide his red blushing face.

Chan took the cookies, mumbling a small 'thank you' which Jisung heard, thanks to his sensitive ears.

Jisung bowed quickly before he tried to run away, only to fall flat on his butt. (his butt ain't flat y'all).

It seems that as he turned around, he hit his head to someone's chest. He quickly stood up, only to fall back down. Thankfully, Chan had caught the boy's back and helped him stand up by placing his arms to the boy's small waist.

It was Hyunjin.

"Oh, Sung-yah. Fancy seeing you here." Hyunjin snickered, side-hugging Sanghye. The girl he cheated with.

'The nerve.' Chan thought.

Chan lifted Jisung up, covering his mouth slightly as to not have a word escape the silver haired boy's mouth.
He placed his one arm around the boy's waist and confronted Hyunjin.

"Pfft, I don't think this pretty boy wants your attention, Hwang." Chan snickered at Hyunjin.

Jisung turned to Chan's back and hid himself as he held the hem of Chan's jacket sleeve.
He feels safe with him after all.

"Bet he's got lotsa chicks he's fucking 'round with. Don't worry, Sang-whore or whatever, your little boyfie there ain't exclusive with ya." Minho spoke with spite as he rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Hyunjin scoffed.
"Bad boy's already shielding their naive little shy boy? Hah, I know you're also just screwing Jisung, Chan." Sanghye said.

"No one asked for your opinion, Sang-whore. You're just wasting the oxygen in this world by saying nonsense. Oh, and don't even get me started when I say you're just plain jealous that a boy is more beautiful than you." Changbin commented.

"Excuse me?! You-" Sanghye shouted, but was cut off by Hyunjin shushing her.

"Don't make this worse, Sanghye." Hyunjin whispered.
The school bell had rang, meaning first period had started.
"Well, it seems that.. we've had our fun. See you some time, Sung-yah~" Hyunjin waved as the two walked away.

As the two disappeared into the distance, Chan pulled Jisung from his back and cupped his cheek.
"You alright?"

"Y-,..yeah..,-" Jisung murmured before breaking down.
Minho and Changbin had stayed with Chan as he comforted the crying boy.

Soft little sniffles were heard as Jisung cried on Chan's chest.

There was nowhere else he could cry to, aside from his newfound safe place.


Sike. There was a Hwang spotted in this Chapter.
I live for shy jisung x bad boy chan

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