11 | Having Genuine Friends

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After school had ended, Jisung went to the school gates and was about to leave, when he heard his name being called in the distance.

"Jisung!" Chan called.

Jisung turned around to see Chan in a seemingly expensive black car.

"Mind I give you a ride? I'll have a talk with you along the way." Chan said as he stopped over Jisung.

"Are you sure?" Jisung asked as he bent down.

"Yeah, get in." Chan said. Jisung did as he was told and sat on the passenger seat.

Chan started to drive the car.
"So, where do I drop you off?"

"Chungsoo street."

"That seems far enough for us to have a chat." Chan spoke.
"What're your plans for the long weekend? Y'know we don't have school next week."

"Oh, yeah. I don't know. Maybe read books in my library? I don't really go out unless it's for groceries or something important."
Jisung replied.

"If you don't have plans, then is it fine me and the other two take you somewhere? Just hang out a little."

"Is it okay if I..do..?" Jisung shyly spoke.

"Of course. You're our friend, Ji. We don't leave friends out, except for the pranks."

Jisung zoned out for a while. Was this okay? Won't he be a bother?

He won't be a bother, right?

No, he won't.

He's their friend after all.

"O..o-okay.." Jisung replied.

"Alright, then it's decided." Chan said as he stopped the car.
"I think this one's your stop. Right?"

"How'd you know this was my house?"

"Wait this was yours?"


"..I just pulled over a random house. Also, here's my number. Text me or call me some time." Chan said as Jisung closed the car door.

"Thanks for the car ride." Jisung smiled wide and pure towards Chan.

"You're welcome, Ji." Chan waved at him goodbye and drove off.

"..friends, huh.."

Oh right

They were only friends.

Nothing more, I guess.

Jisung looked down for a while.
He then turned around and opened the gates to his house.
Closed the gate, then went towards the door.

Upon entering the house, he was met with an unusual silence.

Usually my dog Bbama greets me here.
Is Bbama asleep?

Jisung walked to his bedroom upstairs. The door to his room was open, so he thought Bbama was sleeping there.

"Bbama~" Jisung softly spoke as he entered his room.

The dog, Bbama, who was sleeping in Jisung's bed, woke up and rushed to Jisung.

Jisung cooed at his dog. He ruffled Bbama's stomach and petted Bbama, muttering almost inaudible words.
"Uhuhumm, who's my favorite doggy? Bbama~! Bbama isso cute!! Who's the cutest?? Bbama~! Who needs parents when I have you!"


Bbama continuously barked at his owner.

"Hush, Bbama. Daddy's making you your favorite bacon, so just wait for a sec, okay?"
Jisung spoke to his dog. (no it's not weird)

Jisung had dinner with Bbama shortly after.


Jisung was in the sofa, cuddling a sleepy Bbama while he talked about his day.

"Bbama, I've been enjoying my school life recently. My boyfriend broke up with me. I thought he had genuine feelings for me - turns out I've just been played.."


Chan was in his own house, playing with his dog, Berry.

He lives alone two streets away from Jisung, which Chan didn't even know, but wished he had.
Today - or rather, tonight, he had made home cooked meals for him and his dog.

After they had eaten, Chan carried his dog and went to the couch and watched some sports news.

"Hey, Berry.. I've something to talk to you." Chan whispered.

The dog whimpered at Chan, as if asking what the matter was.

"Well, there's this guy in school.. " Chan sighed.
"When I first saw him, I kinda thought he was..cute. I mean, he never really interacts with anyone, y'know. He's got this boyfriend- ex boyfriend, rather. When he's like really shy and is around other people, he has this habit of hiding behind their back. He does that with me, now that we're getting close..I- I don't know. He's just adorable."


"But then I met Chan. He doesn't smile much, but his kindness just shows! Also, we..we kinda kissed- like, in the bathroom. It was in the heat of the moment, but it- it was amazing. I felt like a disney princess when he held my waist and pressed his lips to mine with care."

"I think.."

"I really think.."

"That I'm in love."

"That I'm in love."



Jisung buttoned the last button of his thin white button up long sleeve shirt as he stretched his arms to reach for his Samsung GalaxyZ Flip5 on his bedside table.

"Jisung, we're in front of your house." Chan said in the phone.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute. I'll hang up now." Jisung replied as he hung up.

Jisung took his wallet and put it in the pocket of his black jean shorts, as well as his GalaxyZ Flip5.

He put on his white Nike AF1 shoes and exited his house.

Jisung saw Chan's car and immediately rushed to it, knocking on the windows to see if it was really Chan.
"Hop in the passenger seat, Ji." Chan spoke in a calming tone.
Jisung did as he was told and opened the door. He took a seat and glanced at Chan. And oh boy, did he look breathtakingly fine.

Currently, Chan had worn a thin navy blue jacket with white vertical stripes over a white polo shirt and faded blue jeans. It seems normal, but if Chan had worn it, then it would definitely set the trend.
Especially with his ginger colored slightly curly hair.

'He's so handsome.' Jisung's breath hitched.

'Jisung's so beautiful.' Chan marveled.

"Okay, okay, we got it, you guys are infatuated, but I really hate to break it to you two that we should get going now." Changbin intruded.

Changbin earned himself a glare from Chan before they all drove off.


(A/N: Hope you're enjoying the holidays right now. Merry Christmas to you ⛄)

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