26 | Now I Love You

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Dancing to the rhythm under the dark starry sky, their hands clasped, their other locked in the other's waist and shoulder. Smiles plastered to their faces as they made twists and turns.

"I never expected you to know how to dance like this," Jisung complimented.

"My mom taught me. She used to do this in the past, and I was interested, so things happened."

Suddenly, Chan lifted Jisung up to the air, the cold wind meeting the boys' skin as they danced on the grass of Chan's backyard.

"Hey!" Jisung shouted in surprise.

After a few rounds of spinning, Chan let the boy down, then carrying Jisung bridal style.

"Channie-hyung, I'm- im.. I'm dizzy--"

"Haha, so am I. Was it fun, though?" Chan smiled brightly.


Chan giggled, then leaning down to press soft and gentle kisses to the boy's face.

Kiss to the forehead, to the cheeks, to the eyelids, to the chin, to the jawline, to the nose, and to the lips.

Jisung kissed back, their lips now having their turn at dancing. Jisung's hands crept to the back of Chan's hair, gripping it gently to pull the elder closer, deepening the kiss.

With a groan, Chan woke up to the sun shining to his eyes. He felt weight clasping to him seeking warmth, the silver haired boy's eyes shut close as he let out soft breaths.

Chan smiled at the endearing sight. He had to get off the bed to prepare breakfast, however.

He was careful when he took the boy's arms that went around his chest, then standing to his feet. He covered the boy's bare body with the sheets and went to get clothes before he went down to the kitchen.


The sound of sizzling can be heard from the kitchen. Jisung woke up to a bed that only he had occupied now. He stood up, then lying back down as he felt an electrifying pain in his spinal cord.

'Agh, that hurt..! I could've sworn I told him to slow down..'

After composing himself and feeling the pain settle a little, Jisung managed to stand up and get himself one of Chan's shirts before going down to the kitchen, where he expects Chan to be.

The savory smell of egg fried rice filled the room, enticing the silver haired boy with just a sniff.

"Channie-hyung?" He called the ginger.

Chan turned his head to the boy's direction, then smiling as he spotted Jisung.

"Good morning, love." He greeted softly.

Jisung sat by the kitchen island, his chin rested to his palm as he sat with glistening eyes fixated on the ginger.

Out of the blue, a thought dawned on him.


"Channie-hyung..what day is it today?"

"The 24th. Why?"

Jisung hurriedly stood up.
"Hyung, it's our graduatio- ouch!"

Jising winced and cried in pain, then sitting back down the chair. Chan turned the stove off immediately and rushed to the boy, worried.

His Happiness || Chansung/BangHan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora