23 | Communication

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On the very same day Jisung had opened up to Felix and Seungmin about his relationship, Chan had stayed in his house, locking himself away from the outside world.

Chan had simply laid himself down his bed, occasionally sitting up and hugging his pillow cross-legged as Berry watched Chan cry is eyeballs out.

He couldn't get over the fact that he had broke Jisung's trust. He held the promise ring he gave Jisung tightly as he wailed.

His eyelids had puffed, his eyes were red as tears fell from his face to his pillow.

It was his second relationship. He thought he could make it better than the last one, but now? He's wrong, so damn wrong. He fucked up, badly, at that.

Chan was well aware he fucked up. Now, he sat there, blaming himself for Jisung's pain. He swore that Jisung's happiness makes him happy, and him being sad makes him sad as well. That was true, seeing at Chan's current emotional state. Fucking horrible.


"Yoon Louise, will you please stop jumpscaring the hell out of me?" Chan spoke to the brunette, who had surprised Chan from behind.

"Hehe, why not? It's fun!" Louise responded with her giggles making her lips shape into a small heart.

Yoon Louise and Yoon Lia were siblings. Opposite sides of the same coin, as you may say from their personalities.

Yoon Louise was an outgoing maiden, a beautiful and intelligent one at that. Amber eyes, and brown wavy long hair. She was kind and considerate to whoever she encounters. Be it problems or celebrations happening in your life, she'll encourage you to do what you love.

Yoon Lia, however, was the complete opposite. She had hated everyone who hated her. Not only those, but also the people that are more popular than her. Her sister was the best example. She envied her, she had the best friend group - while Lia? She had them rough. Some had spoken bad things behind her back. She was envious of her sister, who had dated the best boyfriend material - who had recently transferred to their school, Chan.

Lia had been so jealous, she even attempted to have her sister killed in the guise of an accident, with a truck that lost its brakes.

She did plan all this, and she was succesful. Although Louise didn't die, she lost her memories, leaving Chan heartbroken. He had broken up with Louise after the incident. Knowing this, Lia pursued Chan.

But Lia was heavily injured for her acts. As soon as Chan found out Lia was the mastermind behind the accident, he rushed to get Lia from her classroom and threw her into an alleyway, and there, he continuously punched and kicked Lia, even after she had blood dripping down her nose, he didn't stop beating up the girl.

Chan had become a different person after that.

A few months later, he had seen Lia - still pursuant as ever. He ignored her acts and treated her like any other person, which is a subject for their pranks.

Now, he's completely snapped. He's not..angry anymore. He feels miserable. Lia being the source of the problem doesn't even matter to him. The fact that he broke Jisung's feelings makes him want to die.

Regret had filled his mind. Why didn't he just push Lia harshly? Why had he been so reluctant to harm the girl? Why did he have to succumb to his gentle side and choose not to hurt her? Why did he not do anything?

His Happiness || Chansung/BangHan Where stories live. Discover now