8 | An Interesting Point of the Story

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Walking around the hallway, Jisung realized that this wasn't the way to their class.

"Chan, this isn't the way to our class. Where are we going?"

"..here." Chan uttered, turning around to face Jisung and hold his other hand, now holding both the silver haired boy's hands.
"Ji, wanna cut classes?"

To say that Jisung was taken aback was an understatement. Never did he expect Chan to invite him to cut classes.

"Don't worry, it's only for this once. If you don't wanna do it, then that's fine as well, I can drop you off to your class."

"..yeah.." mumbled Jisung.


"I-... I'd like to cut classes...with you.." Jisung blushed.

"Oh, then er, I'll be stopping by the lockers."
Said Chan as he took out small glitter bombs from his pocket.

"Are you gonna put it in the lockers?" Asked Jisung, his doe eyes shining under the lights in the hallways as he looked at Chan's eyes.

"Yeah. Against the idea?" Chan smirked.

"No. I'd like to see their reactions, though."

"Alright. Stay back, darling." Chan said as he opened the lockers and placed a bomb for each.

"Janitor's gonna have a good time collecting his pay." Chan giggled.

Jisung looked at Chan as he giggled. It was rare to see the ginger so amused, he couldn't help but smile along.

After their business, Chan took Jisung's hand and went to the bathroom.

No students or teachers were present in the bathroom, thankfully. It was great since the bathroom was far from any classrooms, though not many would use it as refuge when cutting classes as they think it's a creepy place.

"Wanna sit on the sink?" Chan asked Jisung.

"I don't think I can."

"I'll give you a lift. So do you wanna?"

"...sure." Jisung spoke.

Without warning, Chan lifted Jisung up and had him sit on the sink.
"Good boy." Chan mumbled as he brushed the boy's silver hair with his bare fingers.

"Oh, and to avoid any unwelcomed guests, I, of course, have to lock the door." Chan said as he went to the bathroom door and locked it.

"You sure no one will come?" Jisung asked.

"Me and the other two have used this bathroom for as long as I could remember. I still remember how we met here." Chan chuckled lightly to himself.

"How did you guys meet?" Jisung asked, his eyes focused on Chan's.

"Uh, I was a transferee from Australia back then. I did know Korean, and I was pretty fluent. My parents and I moved here due to work stuff, so of course I had to transfer."

"Oh, so you're the Australian transferee everyone had been talking about months ago! Jaehyun told me about you."

"Really? I thought you never listened to the talks of the campus. But anyways, back to the topic,"

"About me, Changbin and Minho, those two always cut classes. Not one day would pass without them doing so. I was the same, though the place where I'd kill time would be in here. They were quite new here, and so was I, so they didn't know about this place till they heard rumors about this bathroom being haunted - which isn't true. The students were just wimps. Being the type of person to love to explore new things like haunted bathroom."
Chan explained as he sighed.

"Intrigued by the rumors, those two came in here to check out this bathroom. That was back when I was to cut classes and come here. I did come here first, sitting on the very spot you're sitting right now and smoking weed." Chan smiled at the memory, then diverted his gaze to Jisung, whose eyes were focused on him and rocked his feet.

"Seeing as we, at some point, thought we were cutting classes as well, Changbin greeted me and asked me who I am. I told him my name and I was here cutting classes. Minho asked me what year I am, and I told him I was in the same year as them. And those two invited me in playing pranks with them, so that's how we were pretty much well-known in the whole campus." Chan shrugged.

"Well, that's a very interesting story. I guess I can say that..you each had found a family in yourselves - that you see yourselves as brothers?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah. We were all partners in crime. Our parents were called in so many times they all became the best of friends. That still didn't prevent us from getting an earful, though."
Chan explained.

"Fucked up story, isn't it?" Chan said as he turned his head to face the silver haired boy puffing uo his cheeks as he tucked his own hair to the back of his ear.

"Not so. I'd say that every story has it's interesting points, and yours - it's really interesting. Like a subway train that collects passengers going to the same destination." Jisung exclaimed.

Chan stood up and approached Jisung, placing his hands on both sides near Jisung's thighs and leaning his face closer to the boy.

"You're adorable, you know. Your cheeks - they look..squishy." Chan spoke in a soft tone as he tilted his head.
"Can I..?"

Jisung felt his cheeks redden. He lowered his head as he nodded slightly.

"Okay." Chan said as he poked Jisung's cheek with his index finger, then cupping it and squishing it.
"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?" Chan said as Jisung nodded.

Chan continued to fondle Jisung's cheek, not minding the light red blush. He stared at Jisung's face lovingly as Jisung stared at Chan's soft eyes.

The two stared at eachother's eyes for a while. Jisung extended his hand and cupped Chan's cheek, his eyes going down Chan's lips.

In the heat of the moment, Jisung brushed his hand to the back of Chan's head and pulled it towards his face, smashing their lips together.

Chan was surprised, but he kissed back, making Jisung let out a light moan. Chan's hand went down Jisung's small waist as he pulled the boy closer to his body and his lips, their lips dancing to the rhythm as the kiss felt heated for each second that passed.

Jisung moaned at each touch Chan gave, especially when Chan's hand brushed against Jisung's chest and on the back of his neck, even his waist. Jisung felt so safe in Chan's embrace, he feels he could melt in Chan's arms.

Jisung's hand moved from Chan's head to Chan's cheek, down to his abdomen. Chan's breath hitched and almost pulled away when Jisung's lips caught his before he could.

Suddenly, they heard the door open.



(A/N: Soo I actually have a new book idea..like always-
I have like..6 unfinished drafts, each having ONE CHAPTER.

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