14 | You're So Special, You Just Don't Know It

644 26 21

16:46 (P.M)



••"Hey, Jisung."

"Oh, Chan-hyung. What's up?"

"..the roof?"


"Haha, okay, okay- just joking." Chan chuckled over the phone.
"I actually called you to ask if you wanna go on a date today. Seems like a good weather."

"Really? But..we just had a date last Monday."

"You don't want to?"

"N-no! Not that, I me-meant that i- of course I'd love to.. it's just- y'know, unusual to go to dates like, five times a week.."

"Well, that's what you did with Hyunjin. You and I are together now, and things are gonna be different. You're gonna have a great time today, and I'll make it so."

"..thanks, Chan-hyung."


"..i love you.." Jisung whispered before hanging up.

Chan furrowed his brows, processing what the younger had said.

He brushed it off, thinking Jisung just muttered something about stepping on some legos or something.

With that, Chan prepared his things for their date.

This was gonna be special. This has to be special.
In this date, he's gotta have Jisung feel how much Chan loves him.

Chan rushed to his bedroom, preparing the clothes he'll wear.

"Uh, um.. yeah- this'll do." Chan murmured.

He changed to a black and white striped silk polo shirt and black trousers paired with white shoes and a black wristwatch.

Oh, of course he can't forget his wallet.

He took the Givenchy wallet from his drawer and opened it, checking if he has the things he need.

"Hm, my..black card and extra money.. Oh yeah, my phone-"

Chan took his phone from the bedside drawer and fixed his hair. He took some gel and pulled his ginger hair to the back of his head, leaving some strands to his forehead.

He immediately hurried to the living room and took his car keys, before he marched to the door and left.


"You dressed like that brings shame to me. Here I thought I had overdressed." Jisung commented at the ginger haired boy standing in front of him.
"Rather than an 18 year old boy ready to be dispatched to college in a few months, you look like a rich man handling multiple companies."

"Hush, darling. I know I'm handsome, but you don't need to say it like that. I wore all this to impress you, but it seems to be the other way 'round now." Chan smirked.

Jisung had also wore a polo shirt, but it was colored white and no stripes were visible. He also wore cream colored trousers. Their clothes were almost alike, just differing in color and fabric.

"Alright, let's push the flirting to another time- we better get going." Jisung blushed, making the other chuckle.

"If you say so." Chan spoke in a gentle tone.

He approached the car and opened the door for the silver haired boy.
"After you, my passenger princess." Chan lightly - or jokingly bowed.

"Oh- uh, I..t-thanks." Jisung stuttered.
'Curse your mouth, Han Jisung.' Jisung thought to himself.

His Happiness || Chansung/BangHan Where stories live. Discover now