4 | No Cold Ice Against a Warm Cup of Coffee

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That afternoon, Hyunjin definitely wasn't in the mood. Sanghye kept on clinging to him which made him feel a lot more worse.

Hyunjin had the same schedule with Chan and Changbin in maths, so during that class, he was the target victim for their pranks.

When he sat on his chair, he yelped at the sharp pain on his ass. Thumb tacks were placed on his chair. It wasn't THAT painful. The thumb tacks weren't even that sharp. They got away with it, since their maths teacher doesn't punish unless there's evidence, and these two were one of the math teacher's favorite students. They never dared prank the math AND science teachers.

On his way to science class, Hyunjin unknowingly stepped onto gum. Since he has a habit of sitting on his desk table and placing his feet to his chair, the gum got stuck to his chair and he sat on it when the teacher had arrived.

When the teacher called him to stand up to answer a question, he became a laughingstock for the whole class as he had gum on his butt. Minho, being in the same class as him, obviously was the one behind it. He couldn't point it out, as he knows that the science teacher always views 'blaming' as a childish act.

So here he is, having lunch with Sanghye at the cafeteria. He couldn't get his eyes off of the three notorious pranksters of the school. He was mad. Fuming mad.

Why the heck would they butt in to Jisung's and his business?
They aren't even involved in this, and plus, since when were they so nosy?

Hyunjin threw his chopsticks to the floor and stood up to approach the three. Little did he know, the three boys had expected him to, so of course they were always prepared.

Unbeknownst to the raven-haired boy, there was a banana peel on the ground. Hyunjin slipped and fell flat to his butt, causing the three pranksters to laugh.

"HAHAHA! I canNOT BELIEVE you just fell from that!! Was Hyunnie so angry~?" Minho mocked as Changbin laughed.

Chan laughed silently before he grinned at the boy on the floor.

"You are SO gonna regret this." Hyunjin threatened.

"Aww, so scary~ hyung I'm scared~" Changbin teased as he scooted over to Minho.

"Eww get away from me."

The three weren't the only ones laughing. The others on the cafeteria couldn't contain their laughter. Some laughed loud, while some had kept it in.

Feeling humiliated, Hyunjin quickly stood uo and left the cafeteria.
Sanghye, being the clingy leech she was, followed after Hyunjin and clung onto his arm, only to be pushed off.


**After the afternoon class***

Changbin and Minho left the campus early since they had a family event (they're cousins), so Chan was left alone in the school field near a tree and closing his eyes.

He heard some footsteps that seemed to be approaching Chan;
'Probably a teacher or something.'

He felt fingers knock on his shoulder. Familiar.

He opened his eyes and turned to see Jisung hiding his face behind a cup of coffee.

"H-here..fo-for you-,..." Jisung muttered.
'Stupid Jisung, you can't even form a proper sentence!'

"..why?" Chan asked.

"Uh-,. f-for..sh-shiel-shielding m-me..a-as thanks-!"

Chan took the coffee from the silver-haired boy's hands.
"You.. don't have to do this, you know."

"W-why..? do you not like it- I-i'll go grab anothe-"
Jisung hurriedly stood up, but he was caught by a hand on his wrist, causing him to fall back to Chan's side.

"Don't give me anything like this. I never asked for it." Chan said in a stern tone.

He sounded mad.

He's mad.

It didn't look like he liked the gesture.

He doesn't like what I do.

Suddenly, he felt tears streaming down his cheeks.

Chan heard a sniffle from the boy, thus he turned his head. His eyes widened as he saw Jisung cry.

"A-am I n-not *sniffle* g-good eno-enough..? I *sob* t-try...b-but I *sob* I al-always f-fail-" Jisung uttered between his sobs.

Jisung quickly stood up and tried to run away, but he felt a warm hand hold his wrist again.

Chan pulled Jisung to his chest and held the back of his head and hugged the silver haired boy.

"Jisung, I'm not mad.. I'm sorry that I sounded like I was, but I really wasn't. I'm sorry that I caused you to misunderstand, but I'll never be mad at you." Chan softly whispered at Jisung's ear as he patted the boy's soft silver hair.

Muffled cries and sniffles were heard from Jisung, whose face was buried in Chan's chest.

"*hic* I-i'm s-so sor-sorry..-" Jisung mumbled.

"Shh, don't apologize." Chan said as he cupped both Jisung's cheeks.
"You don't have to apologize for anything, alright?" Chan leaned closer to Jisung's face. Jisung closed his eyes as he felt his tears being kissed away.

"Never," Chan rested his forehead to Jisung's,
"Ever, apologize for something that you never did wrong."
Chan spoke warmly.

Jisung felt more tears stream down his face. He broke down in Chan's embrace, his tears being kissed from time to time as they hugged.

Jisung was endeared at Chan's gesture. It wasn't like how Hyunjin comforted him when they were together. This one..it felt more real.

He felt Chan's embrace as home.
He felt like Chan's favored flower in his garden.

Each time Chan kissed his tears, he felt his heart skip beats.

He felt knots in his stomach.

Was this what it feels to fall in love?


Jisung hated himself again. He falls so easily.

But it's okay, right?

As long as it's this man - Chan, it's okay..

It's okay to fall for Chan, right..?



I hate myself for imagining Jisung's point of view when Chan had placed his forehead against Jisung's.

Ah, the memories of that Childe meme.

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